Sophie Milward

Sophie Milward

School of Psychology
Doctoral Researcher

Contact details

School of Psychology
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Supervisors: Professor Ian Apperly and Dr Sotaro Kita

Sophie Milward is a third-year PhD student looking at the development of co-representation effects in young children.


BA Psychology and Italian Studies (University of Lancaster)

MRes Pschology (University of Birmingham)


Sophie completed her undergraduate degree at the University of Lancaster, including a year spent studying abroad at the Università di Pisa, Italy. She spent a year teaching English in Rome following her degree, before returning the Birmingham to complete her MRes in Psychology. For her MRes she carried out three research projects: Automaticity in Spatial Perspective-Taking (supervised by Ian Apperly); Developing an Executive Functions Training Programme (Chris Oliver); and Children’s Understanding of Pretence, Gesture and Replica (Sotaro Kita). During her PhD she has presented posters and oral presentations at several national and international conferences, including a poster at the SRCD Biennial meeting in Seattle in April 2013 and an oral presentation at the Joint Action Meeting V in Berlin in June 2013.


Joint Action; Theory of Mind; Executive Functions; Gesture

Other activities

Sophie regularly participates in public engagement events, including ‘Meet the Scientist’ events at Birmingham’s Science Museum. She has also recently organised an exhibition and series of talks at the New Library in Birmingham, where she gave a talk to the public about Children’s Development research and how it affects society. She was the Student Representative for the School of Psychology in the second year of her PhD and has also set up a Postgraduate Seminar Series for students in the school.


Milward, S., Kita, S. & Apperly, I.A (in progress) The Development of Co-representation Effects in a Joint Task: Do Children Represent a Co-actor?