Dr Bridget Roe

Dr Bridget Roe

Associate Professor

Contact details

Park House
40 Edgbaston Park Road
Edgbaston, Birmingham
B15 2RT

Bridget is an associate lecturer on the Elizabeth Garret Anderson programme. Originating from  a nursing and midwifery background, Bridget completed her bachelor’s degree (BA HRM) at the University of Derby, her master’s degree at the University of Warwick (Management and Organisational Analysis) and completed her PhD (Business and Management) at the University of Nottingham. Bridget has considerable knowledge and experience in healthcare services research and her main interests are in the implementation and evaluation of change in health and social care services and systems, professional learning and socialisation. Bridget also has extensive teaching experience in healthcare systems, inequalities of health, organisational behaviour and implementation and innovation of health and social care change.


  • PhD-Business and Management, University of Nottingham. 2016
  • MA-Management and Organisational Analysis, University of Warwick, 2011
  • BA-Human Resource Management, University of Derby, 2009


Bridget's primary research and teaching interests include healthcare policy, changing organisation and governance of healthcare services, systems leadership, professional learning in organisations, and implementation of improvements.

Her research is qualitative and usually ethnographic. Her current research project is understanding the acquisition and use of political skill of system leaders in the NHS. Her previous research involved translational health research policy and collaborative networks and understanding the implementation of a new regional major trauma network.

Bridget's doctoral research focused on understanding the nature of the professional and organisational socialisation of nurses amidst the context of developments in policy and healthcare. By using ethnographic methods she was able show how the professional identity and practices of newly-qualified nurses transformed in the healthcare setting.

She has taught healthcare systems and management on the MSC Public Health, Inequalities of Health to MD students, HRM modules at undergraduate level, Implementation and Innovation in the NHS and have given many guest lectures. She has also supervised dissertations at master’s level.  She originates from a nursing and midwifery background and has worked in the charity sector.


Research interests

  • Implementation of policy and change within the NHS particularly reconfigurations and integration of services
  • Health service policy translation and implementation
  • Professional learning


Recent publications


Waring, J, Bishop, S, Clarke, J & Roe, B 2023, 'Becoming active in the micro-politics of healthcare re-organisation: The identity work and political activation of doctors, nurses and managers', Social Science and Medicine, vol. 333, 116145. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.116145

Litchfield, I, Glasby, J, Parkinson, S, Hocking, L, Tanner, D, Roe, B & Bousfield, J 2023, 'Trying to find people to fit the tech…”: a qualitative exploration of the lessons learnt introducing Artificial Intelligence-based technology into English social care', Health and Social Care in the Community, vol. 2023, 9174873. https://doi.org/10.1155/2023/9174873

Waring, J, Bishop, S, Black, G, Clarke, J & Roe, B 2023, 'What can clinical leaders contribute to the governance of integrated care systems?', BMJ Leader. https://doi.org/10.1136/leader-2022-000709

Waring, J, Bishop, S, Black, G, Clarke, JM, Exworthy, M, Fulop, NJ, Hartley, J, Ramsay, A & Roe, B 2022, 'Navigating the micro-politics of major system change: The implementation of Sustainability Transformation Partnerships in the English health and care system', Journal of Health Services Research & Policy. https://doi.org/10.1177/13558196221142237

Clarke, J, Waring, J, Bishop, S, Hartley, J, Exworthy, M, Fulop, N, Ramsay, AIG & Roe, B 2021, 'The contribution of political skill to the implementation of health services change: a systematic narrative and narrative synthesis', BMC Health Services Research, vol. 21, no. 1, 260 . https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-021-06272-z

Waring, J, Crompton, A, Overton, C & Roe, B 2020, 'Decentering health research networks: framing collaboration in the context of narrative incompatibility and regional geo-politics', Public Policy and Administration. https://doi.org/10.1177/0952076720911686

Waring, J, Roe, B, Crompton, A & Bishop, S 2020, 'The contingencies of medical restratification across inter-organisational care networks', Social Science and Medicine.

Timmons, S, Baxendale, B, Buttery, A, Miles, G, Roe, B & Browes, S 2015, 'Implementing human factors in clinical practice', Emergency Medicine Journal, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 368-372. https://doi.org/10.1136/emermed-2013-203203


Nicolini, D & Roe, B 2014, SURFACING THE MULTIPLE: DIFFRACTIVE METHODS FOR RETHINKING PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE AND KNOWLEDGE. in Reconceptualising Professional Learning: socio-material knowledges practices and responsibilities. pp. 67-80.

Commissioned report

Glasby, J, Litchfield, I, Parkinson, S, Hocking, L, Tanner, D, Roe, B & Bousfield, J 2022, New and emerging technology for adult social care - the example of home sensors with artificial intelligence (AI) technology. NIHR Journals Library, Southampton:. https://doi.org/10.3310/hsdr-tr-134314

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