'You'll make a good social worker - the trouble is you think too much' – designing and delivering IMPACT (the new UK centre for implementing evidence in adult social care)

online event
Tuesday 1 February 2022 (13:00-14:00)


Implementing evidence is difficult in any public service, yet there are particular practical and cultural barriers to overcome in adult social care.  

This seminar shared insights from the co-design phase of IMPACT (the new UK centre for implementing evidence in adult social care), including the perspectives and experiences of people who draw on care and support, carers, front-line practitioners, service providers, commissioners and national bodies.  In the process, the session explored what constitutes valid evidence and who decides; whose voice gets heard when we have these debates; practical and cultural issues to consider; and emerging lessons about how best to support and embed evidence, innovation and change. The session also covered IMPACT’s plans for 2022 and beyond, and help key colleagues and stakeholders to stay in touch with current and forthcoming developments.


Jon Glasby is a social worker by background, Professor of Health and Social care at the University of Birmingham, and Director of IMPACT – the UK centre for implementing evidence in adult social care. 

Further information about ‘IMProving Adult Care Together’ Centre (IMPACT), a very important £15m funded centre, is available on our website.