Professor Jon Glasby

Professor Jon Glasby

Department of Social Work and Social Care
Professor of Health and Social Care

Contact details

School of Social Policy and Society
Park House, Edgbaston Park Road
University of Birmingham
B15 2RT, United Kingdom

IMPACT-logo-transparent-cropped2Jon is the Director of IMPACT, the UK centre for implementing evidence in adult social care.  IMPACT has received £15m from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Health Foundation, and works across the four nations of the UK to get evidence of what works used in practice to make a difference to front-line services and to people’s lives.


  • Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (2003)
  • PhD Social Policy, University of Birmingham (2001)
  • MA/Diploma in Social Work, University of Birmingham (1999)
  • BA (Hons), University of Birmingham (1997) (1st class)


Jon Glasby is a qualified social worker by background and Director of IMPACT (Improving Adult Care Together), the UK centre for evidence implementation in adult social care, funded by the ESRC and Health Foundation.  In 2022, he is also a special adviser to the House of Lords Adult Social Care Committee.

Specialising in joint work between health and social care, Jon is involved in regular policy analysis and advice. He is the author of a series of leading textbooks on health and social services, has sat on the advisory board of The Policy Press, and has served as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Integrated Care (2012-18). From 2008 to 2015, he was Director of the University’s Health Services Management Centre (HSMC), where he helped to design and deliver the NHS Leadership Academy's Nye Bevan programme for senior NHS leaders. From 2015 to 2020 he was Head of the School of Social Policy. He is currently a Non-Executive Director (NED) of University Hospitals Birmingham and of Birmingham Children's Trust, has previously served as a NED at Heart of England Foundation Trust (HEFT) and at Birmingham Children’s Hospital and, from 2003 to 2009, was a trustee of the UK Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). Jon is also a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences and a Senior Fellow of the NIHR School for Social Care Research.

Jon has previously been involved with policy advice to the NHS Future Forum, the Ministerial Working Group on Health and Social Care Integration, the development of personal health budgets and the policy teams responsible for various health and social care Green and White Papers. His work with Downing Street (2010) on the future reform and costs of adult social care was launched by the former Prime Minister and appeared in outlets such as the BBC News/News 24, the New York Times and The Financial Times, before being updated and taken forward in 2020 in the Journal of Social Policy. Jon has also been a regular contributor to practice-based publications such as Community Care, and is the author of numerous articles and textbooks on health and social care. Jon has previously been identified as one of The Times Higher Education Supplement ‘five ones to watch’ for the future of the social sciences and is a previous winner of the Social Policy Association’s ‘best newcomer’ award.

Postgraduate supervision

Jon has recently supported PhD students studying topics such as:

Public-private partnerships in the NHS
Joint working in children's services
Parity of esteem in mental health services
The governance of housing associations in Northern Ireland
Public service motivation in Chinese welfare services
The development of the social work profession in Palestine
Youth mental health services in the UK and Australia
The ethics of telecare in services for older people/people with learning difficulties
Implementing the personalisation agenda in adult social care
Personalisation in children's services
Partnership working in health and social care


Professor Glasby’s recent and previous research includes the following projects (alternatively you may view a full list of research projects):

IMPACT (Improving Adult Care Together) - the UK centre for evidence implementation in adult social care, April 2020 - April 2027

'Achieiving closure' - improving outcomes when care homes close, 2021 - 2023 

Why are we stuck in hospital?  Understanding service user, family and staff perspectives when transforming care for people with learning disabilities and/or autism, Jan 2021 - December 2022

New and emerging technology for adult social care: the example of home sensors with artifical intelligence, 2021 - 2022

Social work with older people, 2021 - 2023

Developing and testing of an intervention to improve Recovery after an Episode of Delirium (RecoverED study), 2022 - 2026

The sustainable care research programme (University of Birmingham/University of Sheffield/Kings College London), Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), November 2017 → April 2021

Implementing the Care Act 2014: preventing, reducing or delaying needs for care and support in adult social care in England, Tew, J., Glasby, J., Miller, R. et al, NIHR, 1/12/16 → 28/02/19

Shifting shapes: how can local care markets support quality for all?, Needham, C., Glasby, J., Allen, K. et al, NIHR, 14/11/16 → 14/05/19

A comprehensive profile and comparative analysis of the characteristics, patient experience and community value of the 'classic' community hospital situated in contrasting contexts and communities, Glasby, J., Davidson, D., Mohan, J., Williams, I. et al, NIHR, 1/09/14 → 30/11/17

CLAHRC WM - Chronic disease and integrated care, NIHR, 1/04/14 → 31/12/18

Who knows best? Older people's contribution to understanding avoidable hospital admissions, Glasby, J. & Littlechild, R., NIHR, 1/04/14 → 31/07/16

Commissioning for better outcomes, Newbigging, K., Glasby, J., Mangan, C. & Miller, R., Local Government Association, 27/01/14 → 31/12/14

Does smaller mean better? Evaluation micro-enterprises in adult social care, Needham, C., Ellins, J., Glasby, J. & McKay, S., Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC), 15/04/13 → 13/07/15

Managing organisational change in social care: a review for practitioners and managers, Miller, R., Davidson, D. & Glasby, J., NIHR School for Social Care Research, 1/09/12 → 31/12/13

Assets-based approaches to adult social care, Glasby, J., Miller, R. and Lynch, J., Birmingham City Council, 2012 → 2013

Local evidence of prevention investments, outcomes and sustainability, Glasby, J., Allen, K. & Miller, R., NIHR School for Social Care Research, 1/06/11 → 31/05/13

The role of the third sector in delivering social care, Alcock, P., Allen, K., Dickinson, H., Glasby, J. et al, NIHR School for Social Care Research, 23/05/11 → 30/11/11

Embedding prevention in older people's services - 10 high impact changes, Glasby, J. & Allen, K., Sanofi Pasteur MSD Ltd, 12/04/10 → 11/11/10

The case for social reform, Glasby, J., Littlechild, R. & McKay, S., Downing Street/Department of Health, 1/12/09 → 31/01/10

Health and social care commissioning: an exploration of processes, services and outcomes, Glasby, J., Dickinson, H., Jeffares, S. & Sullivan, H., NIHR SDO programme, 1/10/09 → 28/02/12

INTERLINKS: Health systems and long-term care for older people in Europe - modelling the INTERfaces and LINKS between prevention, quality of services and informal care, Commission of the European Communities, 1/11/08 → 31/12/11

Understanding and improving transitions of older people: a user and carer centred approach, Glasby, J., Davidson, D., Ellins, J., Littlechild, R. et al, NIHR, 1/11/08 → 31/03/12


Highlight publications

Glasby, J, Zhang, Y, Bennett, M & Hall, P 2021, 'A lost decade? A renewed case for adult social care reform in England', Journal of Social Policy, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 406-437.

Glasby, J 2019, The short guide to health and social care. Short Guides, Policy Press.

Davidson, D, Ellis Paine, A, Glasby, J, Williams, I, Tucker, H, Crilly, T, Crilly, J, Le Mesurier, N, Mohan, J, Kamerade, D, Seamark, D & Marriott, J 2019, Analysis of the profile, characteristics, patient experience and community value of community hospitals: a multimethod study. vol. 7, 1 edn, National Institute for Health Research.

Glasby, J, Allen, K & Robinson, S 2019, 'A game of two halves? Understanding the process and outcomes of English care home closures: qualitative and quantitative perspectives', Social Policy and Administration, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 78-98.

Glasby, J, Needham, C, Allen, K, Hall, K & McKay, S 2018, 'The Goldilocks Question: What Size is 'Just Right' for Social Care Providers?', International Journal of Care and Caring, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 65-87.

Recent publications


Glasby, J, Waring, J, Miller, R, Glasby, A-M & Ince, B 2025, 'Out of sight, out of mind: explaining and challenging the re-institutionalisation of people with learning disabilities and/or autistic people', Sociology of Health and Illness.

Tawodzera, O & Glasby, J 2024, 'Who decides ‘what works’, and how does it get implemented? Insights from the UK’s new centre for implementing evidence in adult social care', International Journal of Care and Caring, pp. 1–20.

Allan, L, O’connell, A, Raghuraman, S, Bingham, A, Laverick, A, Chandler, K, Connors, J, Jones, B, Um, J, Morgan-Trimmer, S, Harwood, R, Goodwin, VA, Ukoumunne, OC, Hawton, A, Anderson, R, Jackson, T, Maclullich, AMJ, Richardson, S, Davis, D, Collier, L, Strain, WD, Litherland, R, Glasby, J & Clare, L 2023, 'A rehabilitation intervention to improve recovery after an episode of delirium in adults over 65 years (RecoverED): study protocol for a multi-centre, single-arm feasibility study', Pilot and Feasibility Studies, vol. 9, no. 1, 162.

Iqbal, A, Kinghorn, P, Glasby, J, Tanner, D & Roberts, T 2023, 'A Scoping Review of the Costs, Consequences, and Wider Impacts of Residential Care Home Closures in a UK Context', Health and Social Care in the Community, vol. 2023, 8675499.

Glasby, J, Farquharson, C, Hanson, E & Minkman, M 2023, 'Building a better understanding of adult social care', British Medical Journal, vol. 382, e073720.

Litchfield, I, Glasby, J, Parkinson, S, Hocking, L, Tanner, D, Roe, B & Bousfield, J 2023, 'Trying to find people to fit the tech…”: a qualitative exploration of the lessons learnt introducing Artificial Intelligence-based technology into English social care', Health and Social Care in the Community, vol. 2023, 9174873.

Douglass, T, Zafar, S & Glasby, J 2023, 'What happens when care homes close? A review of the literature', International Journal of Care and Caring.

Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Miller, R, Kaehne, A & Glasby, J 2023, The contribution of leadership for effective integration of care. in N Chambers (ed.), Research Handbook on Leadership in Healthcare . Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp. 132–148.


Glasby, J 2024, The Conservatives and adult social care. in H Bochel & M Powell (eds), The Conservative governments and social policy. 1 edn, Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 208-224.

Needham, C & Glasby, J 2023, Forgotten, neglected and a poor relation? Reflecting on the 75th anniversary of adult social care. in M Exworthy, R Mannion & M Powell (eds), The NHS at 75: The State of UK Health Policy. Bristol University Press, pp. 197-215. <>


Guo, P, Efstathiou, N, Bailey, C, Adab, P & Glasby, J 2024, 'Priority setting for palliative care research with people affected by dementia: a Delphi study', Palliative Medicine, vol. 38, no. 1_suppl, pp. 48-48.


Glasby, J, Needham, C, Farquharson, C & Hamblin, K 2025, 'Adult social care reform cannot afford to wait', British Medical Journal. <>

Other contribution

Glasby, J & Needham, C 2023, Adult social care: 3 steps to achieve ‘a gloriously ordinary life’. Academy of Social Sciences. <>

Glasby, J, Litchfield, I, Parkinson, S, Hocking, L & Tanner, D 2023, 'If I knew then what I know now...': a short guide to introducing new technology in adult social care. BRACE Rapid Evaluation Centre. <>

Review article

Hughes, SE, Aiyegbusi, OL, McMullan, C, Turner, GM, Anderson, N, Cruz Rivera, S, Collis, P, Glasby, J, Lasserson, D & Calvert, M 2024, 'Patient-reported outcomes in integrated health and social care: A scoping review', JRSM Open, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 1-9.

View all publications in research portal


Health and adult social care - including services for older people, inter-agency working and personalisation

Languages and other information

Jon is Director of the University's Health Services Management Centre (HSMC)

Media experience

Jon is a regular commentator in the print and broadcast media on a wide range of issues relating to health and social care including individual budgets, heath and social care reform. He has also provided a number of in depth commentary pieces for outlets including the Guardian.

Alternative contact number available for this expert: contact the press office


Health and Social care

Jon Glasby is Professor of Health and Social Care, and specialises in joint working between the NHS and adult social care, community care services for older people and the personalisation agenda.  He has worked with the Department of Health, Cabinet Office, Downing Street and various national health and social care bodies to advise on the future of health and social services.  Recent contributions include debates on the future of adult social care funding for the Local Government Association and for the Citizens’ Assembly organised by the House of Commons Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee and Health and Social Care Committee.  His work on what happens to older people when care homes close helped to inform debates about responses to the demise of Southern Cross, and local authority plans about how best to support residents in such circumstances.