Stevie Creese

Parity of Esteem policy: an examination of its articulation, implementation, and effectiveness


Prof. Jon Glasby, Dr Jo Ellins, and, Dr Karen Newbigging

The research which is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) looks at a strand of mental health policy known as Parity of Esteem (PoE). PoE came about in 2011 with the publication of the policy; No health without mental health (which remains a key mental health policy document), later documents give a deadline for achieving PoE of 2020. PoE seeks to bring equality between mental and physical health, and has been praised for its moral stance, yet, is critiqued for its ambiguity. PoE has not been the subject of any policy-focused research, and therefore little is known about the topic. However, what is known about PoE is that we currently do not have it.  

The research seeks to explore what is PoE, why we do not have it, and what can be done to get it after nearly a decade of policy. These questions will be answered by collecting (predominantly) qualitative data through a series of key stakeholder interviews. The sample will be a cross-section of stakeholders which include national policy elites, service managers, practitioners, and service users. The data will help to unearth the theory that underpins PoE as a policy, known here as the programme theory. In turn, this should highlight the successes and failures of PoE and go some way to improving mental health policy and service provision in the future.



At present Stevie is completing his Ph. D in Health Service Management after being awarded an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) scholarship. His doctoral research project is concerned with mental health policy implementation. 

Stevie has over ten years’ experience of working in health and social care as a practitioner and educator. Stevie trained initially as a mental health nurse and has spent many years in clinical practice. Also, Stevie has spent time as a lecturer of health and social care within further and higher education, where he gained a teaching qualification through the University of Warwick. More recently, Stevie has focused on mental health policy research after completing his master’s degree in social research through the University of Birmingham. 


  • MA Social Research (Social policy), University of Birmingham (2018)
  • BSc (Hons) (1st) Nursing- Mental Health, University of Worcester (2010)
  • Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (DTLLS), University of Warwick (2014)

Research Interests 

  • Mental health policy, legislation, and practice
  • Public/population mental health
  • Nursing- Mental health
  • Healthcare inequality
  • Long term conditions

Professional Memberships 

Registered Mental health Nurse (RMN)- Nursing and Midwifery Council (2010)


Creese, S. (2020) Clarity on Parity: Seeking equality between physical and mental health, ViewPoint@_HSMCentre.  

 Contact details


Twitter: @Stevie_Creese