
Below are some links to websites that are relevant for participatory research in social care:

Information and resources about co-production

Community Engagement: An Exploration - Overview | Rise 360 (

Dementia Enquirers

Disability Rights UK 

Improving Engagement | Birmingham Voluntary Service Council (

Inclusive Involvement - Shaping Our Lives

National Survivor User Network (NSUN)

Powys Mental Health Blog: Shared Power - an introduction. This includes a film about sharing power. 

Resources to support involvement in research | ARC South London (

The Co-Production Collective

The Co-Production Collective Resource Library 

The Social Care Institute for Excellence webpages on co-production  (Co-production | SCIE)

Think Local Act Personal

UK Standards for Public Involvement (INVOLVE) 

National Institute for Health and Care Research webpages (including information about payment)

Involving and engaging carers in research

NIHR public contributor payment policy

NIHR payment guide for organisations 

NIHR Payment guide for researchers looking to include public involvement

NIHR Learning for Involvement 

Public Involvement in Social Care Research

Research Design Service Public Involvement West Midlands also include lots of helpful links and information about public involvement in research such as how to apply for funding to include public contributors in your research bid.

Research in Wider Care and Communities

Social care resources

Examples of participatory research networks

Community Research and Engagement Network (COREN - NIHR)  

University of Sheffield Participatory Research Network 

University of Glasgow Public Engagement Network

Working with the voluntary sector to improve public involvement (  Wessex Public Involvement Network

Public involvement and lay accountability in research and innovation West Midlands (PILAR)

University of Birmingham Adult Social Care Cluster & Lived Experience Panel