Dr Emily Ball

Dr Emily Ball

School of Social Policy and Society
Lecturer in Social Policy and Social Research Methods

Contact details

School of Social Policy and Society
Muirhead Tower
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Dr Emily Ball joined the University of Birmingham in 2017. She is a Lecturer in social policy and social research methods, who specialises in family policy and welfare conditionality.


  • PhD in Urban Studies and Planning, University of Sheffield
  • MA in Planning and Development, University of Sheffield
  • BA in Geography, University of Sheffield


  • Introduction to Social Policy
  • Philosophies of Welfare
  • Social Problems and Social Policy: Social Science in Action
  • Social Research Methods

Doctoral research

PhD title
Investigating support, sanctioning and behaviour change mechanisms in family-based interventions 


  • Poverty, inequality and welfare
  • Class
  • Conditionality
  • Welfare systems and the impact of austerity and welfare reform
  • Family policy and parenting


  • Ball, E. (forthcoming 2019). Exploring family-based intervention mechanisms as a form of statecraft., in J. Flint & R. Powell (Eds) Class, Ethnicity and State in the Polarized Metropolis. Basinstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Ball, E. (forthcoming 2019). Exploring the behavioural outcomes of family based intensive interventions., in P.Dwyer (Ed) Dealing with Welfare Conditionality. Bristol: Policy Press.
  • Ball E, Batty E & Flint J (2016) Intensive Family Intervention and the Problem Figuration of ‘Troubled Families’Social Policy and Society, 15(02), 263-274. (http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/97032/)  

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