Recent publications
Glasby, J, Waring, J, Miller, R, Glasby, A-M & Ince, B 2025, 'Out of sight, out of mind: explaining and challenging the re-institutionalisation of people with learning disabilities and/or autistic people', Sociology of Health and Illness, vol. 47, no. 2, e70009.
Jones, VR, Waring, J, Wright, N & Fenton, S-J 2024, 'A Protocol for a Rapid Realist Review of Literature Examining Co-Production in Youth Mental Health Services', Youth, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1-14.
Jones, VR, Waring, J, Wright, N & Fenton, SJ 2024, 'A rapid realist review of literature examining Co‐production in mental health services for youth', JCPP Advances.
Kale, AU, Hogg, HDJ, Pearson, R, Glocker, B, Golder, S, Coombe, A, Waring, J, Liu, X, Moore, DJ & Denniston, AK 2024, 'Detecting Algorithmic Errors and Patient Harms for AI-Enabled Medical Devices in Randomized Controlled Trials: Protocol for a Systematic Review', JMIR Research Protocols, vol. 13, e51614.
Griffiths, SL, Murray, GK, Logeswaran, Y, Ainsworth, J, Allan, SM, Campbell, N, Drake, RJ, Katshu, MZUH, Machin, M, Pope, MA, Sullivan, SA, Waring, J, Bogatsu, T, Kane, J, Weetman, T, Johnson, S, Kirkbride, JB & Upthegrove, R 2024, 'Implementing and Evaluating a National Integrated Digital Registry and Clinical Decision Support System in Early Intervention in Psychosis Services (Early Psychosis Informatics Into Care): Co-Designed Protocol', JMIR Research Protocols, vol. 13, e50177.
Waring, J, Bishop, S, Clarke, J & Roe, B 2023, 'Becoming active in the micro-politics of healthcare re-organisation: The identity work and political activation of doctors, nurses and managers', Social Science and Medicine, vol. 333, 116145.
Waring, J, Martin, GP, Hartley, P, Partridge, JSL & Dhesi, JK 2023, 'Implementing a perioperative care of older people undergoing surgery (POPS) service: findings from a multi-site qualitative implementation study', Age and Ageing, vol. 52, no. 8, afad149.
Waring, J 2023, 'New development: Clinicians in management—past, present, future?', Public Money & Management, pp. 1-4.
Jeffries, M, Salema, N-E, Laing, L, Shamsuddin, A, Sheikh, A, Avery, T, Chuter, A, Waring, J & Keers, RN 2023, 'Using sociotechnical theory to understand medication safety work in primary care and prescribers’ use of clinical decision support: a qualitative study', BMJ open, vol. 13, no. 4, e068798.
Waring, J, Bishop, S, Black, G, Clarke, J & Roe, B 2023, 'What can clinical leaders contribute to the governance of integrated care systems?', BMJ Leader.
Liberati, EG, Martin, GP, Lamé, G, Waring, J, Tarrant, C, Willars, J & Dixon-Woods, M 2023, 'What can Safety Cases offer for patient safety? A multisite case study', BMJ Quality & Safety.
Michail, M, Robinson, J, Witt, K, Occhipinti, J-A, Skinner, A, Lamblin, M, Veresova, M, Kartal, D & Waring, J 2023, 'Which programmes and policies across health and community settings will generate the most significant impacts for youth suicide prevention in Australia and the UK? Protocol for a systems modelling and simulation study', BMJ open, vol. 13, no. 8, e071111.
Cribb, A, O'Hara, JK & Waring, J 2022, 'Improving responses to safety incidents: we need to talk about justice', BMJ Quality & Safety, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 327-330.
Waring, J, Bishop, S, Black, G, Clarke, JM, Exworthy, M, Fulop, NJ, Hartley, J, Ramsay, A & Roe, B 2022, 'Navigating the micro-politics of major system change: The implementation of Sustainability Transformation Partnerships in the English health and care system', Journal of Health Services Research & Policy.
Millar, R, Waring, J & Lalani, M 2023, Quality and the NHS: Fair-Weather Friends or a Long-Standing Relationship? in M Exworthy, R Mannion & M Powell (eds), The NHS at 75: The State of UK Health Policy. Bristol University Press, pp. 136-156. <>
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