Recent publications
Iqbal, A, Kinghorn, P, Glasby, J, Tanner, D & Roberts, T 2023, 'A Scoping Review of the Costs, Consequences, and Wider Impacts of Residential Care Home Closures in a UK Context', Health and Social Care in the Community, vol. 2023, 8675499.
Litchfield, I, Glasby, J, Parkinson, S, Hocking, L, Tanner, D, Roe, B & Bousfield, J 2023, 'Trying to find people to fit the tech…”: a qualitative exploration of the lessons learnt introducing Artificial Intelligence-based technology into English social care', Health and Social Care in the Community, vol. 2023, 9174873.
Tanner, D, Ray, M & Ward, L 2022, '“When it comes to carers, you’ve got to be grateful that you’ve got a carer coming”: Older people’s narratives of self-funding social care in England', Ageing and Society.
Willis, P, Lloyd, L, Hammond, J, Milne, A, Nelson-Becker, H, Perry, E, Ray, M, Richards, S & Tanner, D 2021, 'Casting light on the distinctive contribution of social work in multidisciplinary teams for older people', British Journal of Social Work, vol. 2021, no. 00, bcab004.
Duggal, S, Miller, R & Tanner, D 2021, 'Implementing asset-based integrated care: A tale of two localities', International Journal of Integrated Care, vol. 21, no. 4, 19, pp. 1-11.
Tanner, D 2020, ''The love that dare not speak its name’: the role of compassion in social work practice', British Journal of Social Work, vol. 50, no. 6, pp. 1688–1705.
Allen, K, Needham, C, Hall, K & Tanner, D 2019, 'Participatory research meets validated outcome measures: tensions in the co-production of social care evaluation', Social Policy and Administration, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 311-325.
Tanner, D 2018, 'Opening communicative space: what do co-researchers contribute?', Qualitative Research, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 292-310.
Tanner, D, Nelson-Becker, H, Lloyd, L, Milne, A, Perry, E, Ray, M, Richards, S & Willis, P 2020, Strengths-based social work with older people. in AN Menenhall & MM Carney (eds), Rooted in Strengths: Celebrating the strengths perspective in social work. University of Kansas, pp. 327-346.
Tanner, D, Ward, L & Ray, M 2020, Understanding the social care crisis in England through older people's lived experiences. in P Urban & L Ward (eds), Care ethics, democratic citizenship and the state. Springer, pp. 219-239.
Tanner, D 2019, Resilience and Older People. in N Thompson & G Cox (eds), Promoting Resilience: Responding to Adversity, Vulnerability, and Loss. Routledge, pp. 121-126.
Commissioned report
Glasby, J, Litchfield, I, Parkinson, S, Hocking, L, Tanner, D, Roe, B & Bousfield, J 2022, New and emerging technology for adult social care - the example of home sensors with artificial intelligence (AI) technology. NIHR Journals Library, Southampton:.
Digital or Visual Products
Kinghorn, P & Tanner, D, Paying Care Home Fees: What happens next?, 2024, Digital or Visual Products. <>
Other contribution
Kinghorn, P, Ince, B, Tanner, D, Hastings, A, Baxter, K & Birks, Y 2024, Paying care home fees: What to do next. University of Birmingham.
Glasby, J, Litchfield, I, Parkinson, S, Hocking, L & Tanner, D 2023, 'If I knew then what I know now...': a short guide to introducing new technology in adult social care. BRACE Rapid Evaluation Centre. <>
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