Dr Kelly Hall

Kelly Hall

Department of Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology
Reader in Social Policy
Director of Global Engagement for the School of Social Policy and Society

Contact details

School of Social Policy and Society
Muirhead Tower
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT, United Kingdom

Kelly is a Reader in Social Policy based in the Department of Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology. She is the Director of Global Engagement for the School of Social Policy and Society. 


• BA (Hons) Social Sciences, Nottingham Trent University, 2003
• MSc Social Research Methods, Nottingham Trent University, 2004
• PG Cert in Higher Education, 2008
• PhD Sociology and Social Policy, Nottingham Trent University, 2005-2011


Kelly joined the Department in August 2013 as a Lecturer in Social Policy. She had previously worked as Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Northampton, before which she worked as a Research Fellow for the Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham.

Kelly is currently the Director of Global Engagement for the School of Social Policy.


Kelly currently leads the undergraduate module ‘Enterprising Solutions to Social Problems’. Until 2023, she led and now contributes to the postgraduate module “Policy Futures: Theories and Concepts in International Policy Making”.

Postgraduate supervision

Kelly currently supervises PhD students in a number of areas of social policy. She has particular expertise in the areas of social care, social enterprise, the third sector, international retirement migration, ageing and participatory research.


Kelly’s research focuses on adult social care. She has a particular interest in researching the role of voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations in the social care sector, as well as international retirement migration.

Her research on social care in England has centred on care markets, social enterprises, micro enterprises and social innovation. Her current work is exploring the contribution of social enterprises to the social care sector (https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/schools/social-policy/research/projects/social-enterprise-social-care.aspx). She currently holds a NIHR School for Social Care Research (SSCR) Research Leaders Award.

Her research on international retirement migration focuses on the migration and return of vulnerable, older British people within the EU and more recently the impact of Brexit. Over the last few years, she has undertaken a number of studies in collaboration with Age UK, Age Concern España and the British Consulates to explore the lived experiences of older British people in Spain, including access to and experiences of care. She has set-up the charitable association and website www.supportinspain.info in collaboration with the British Consulates, Spain.

She draws on participatory approaches in her social care research and is currently co-leading a project (with Birmingham Voluntary Services Council) designed to build research capacity in voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations in Birmingham. The project is designed to build knowledge of participatory research in social care, facilitate stronger connections between social care researchers and VCSEs and deliver training and mentoring to researchers and VCSEs on participatory methodologies.  

Her research has been published in academic books and journals, including Ageing and Society and Public Management Review. She has also published a number of policy briefs and animations.


Recent publications


Giner, J, Huete, R, Hall, K, Mantecon, A & Gil-Monllor, R 2024, 'El impacto del Brexit en la movilidad de los residentes británicos mayores en España', La Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas (REIS).

Hall, K & Alexander, C 2023, 'Exploring the distinctiveness of social enterprises delivering adult social care in England', Health and Social Care in the Community, vol. 2023, 9454428. https://doi.org/10.1155/2023/9454428

Giner‐Monfort, J & Hall, K 2023, 'Older British migrants in Spain: Return patterns and intentions post‐Brexit', Population, Space and Place. https://doi.org/10.1002/psp.2730

Allen, K, Burn, E, Hall, K, Mangan, C & Needham, C 2023, '‘They Made an Excellent Start…but After a While, It Started to Die Out’, Tensions in Combining Personalisation and Integration in English Adult Social Care', Social Policy and Society, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 172-186. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1474746422000392

Needham, C, Allen, K, Burn, E, Hall, K, Mangan, C, Al-Janabi, H, Tahir, W, Carr, S, Glasby, J, Henwood, M & McKay, S 2022, 'How do you shape a market? Explaining local state practices in adult social care', Journal of Social Policy. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0047279421000805

Hall, K, Ono, M & Kohno, A 2021, 'British and Japanese international retirement migration and creative responses to health and care challenges: A Bricolage perspective', Comparative Migration Studies, vol. 9, no. 1, 7. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40878-020-00217-x

Hall, K 2021, 'Care precarity among older British migrants in Spain', Ageing and Society. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0144686X21001392

Hall, K, Phillimore, J, Grzymala-Kazlowska, A, Vershinina, N, Ogtem-Young, O & Harris, C 2020, 'Migration uncertainty in the context of Brexit: resource conservation tactics', Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2020.1839398

Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Hall, K 2024, Retirement migration and care. in M Kilkey & L Baldassar (eds), Handbook on Migration, Mobility and Care. Edward Elgar.

Hall, K 2024, Transnational family care and British international retirement migrants in Spain. in Retirement Migrants and Dependency: Caring for Sun Seekers. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 145.

Hall, K & Kinghorn, P 2021, Measuring outcomes in social care. in R Hazenberg & C Paterson-Young (eds), Social Impact Measurement for a Sustainable Future: The Power of Aesthetics and Practical Implications. 1 edn, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 229-246. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-83152-3_12


Millar, R, Hall, K & Miller, R 2020, Hybrid organisations in English health and social care. in D Billis & C Rochester (eds), Handbook on Hybrid Organisations. Edward Elgar, pp. 82-95.


Needham, C, Morris, H, Miller, R, Ayton, D, O'Connor, M, Hall, K & Skouteris, H 2024, 'Social care: Time for a name change?', International Journal of Care and Caring, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 553–558. https://doi.org/10.1332/23978821Y2024D000000023

Commissioned report

Needham, C, Allen, K, Burn, E, Hall, K, Mangan, C, Al-Janabi, H, Tahir, W, Carr, S, Glasby, J, Henwood, M, McKay, S & Brant, I 2020, Shifting Shapes: how can local care markets support personalised outcomes?.

Conference article

Kerlin, J, Ye, M & Hall, K 2023, 'Do social enterprises fulfil their social promise? Quality of social care CICS and other legal forms', Academy of Management Proceedings, vol. 2023, no. 1. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMPROC.2023.155bp

View all publications in research portal


Kelly’s research interests include ageing, social care, migration and the third sector.

Policy experience

Kelly has published reports for Department of Health and Social Care, Public Policy Institute for Wales, the FCO and the British Consulate. Her most recent Policy Brief talks about care for older British people in Spain.