Professor Ross Millar

Ross Millar

Health Services Management Centre
Director of the Health Services Management Centre (HSMC)
Professor of Health Organisation and Management

Contact details

School of Social Policy and Society, HSMC
Park House
University of Birmingham
B15 2RT, United Kingdom

Ross is the Director of the Health Services Management Centre (HSMC). He is also a Professor of Health Organisation and Management.

Ross is a passionate about improving health systems and organisations. Through education, research, and development, he is also committed to supporting and developing a healthy and engaged workforce.


  • PhD, University of Manchester (2009)
  • MRes, University of Manchester (2003)
  • B.Soc.Sci (Hons), University of Manchester (2002)

Professional qualifications:

  • Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning, University of Birmingham, 2014
  • Graduate Teaching Certificate, University of Manchester, 2003


Ross is the Director of HSMC and a Reader in Health Organisation.

Since joining HSMC in 2008, Ross has developed research interests in the areas of improving quality and safety, the development of inter-organisational collaboration, and the adoption of organisational innovation such as social enterprise. What unites these interests is a passion for understanding and developing health and care organisations.

His methodological interests are primarily qualitative in capturing  different workforce perspectives using interviews and observations. Ross also has an interest in Realist synthesis and evaluation.

Ross has published widely across these research areas and takes a particular interest in connecting these experiences to different theories of public policy, organisation studies, and sociology. 

Ross has wide ranging teaching interests. He works across a range postgraduate modules in relation to quality and safety, organisational performance, digital health, and innovation and improvement. 

Between 2015 and 2019, Ross was the Director of Learning and Teaching at HSMC and more recently has been the Programme Director for the Health and Care System Leadership Apprenticeship.


MSc Health Policy and Management & MSc Health and Care System Leadership

  • Innovation & Improvement

MSc Global Health System Leadership & MA Global Public Policy

  • Health Systems & Policy

Postgraduate supervision

Ross is interested in PhD supervision across the following research areas:

Quality improvement
Inter-organisational collaboration

He specialises in the use of qualitative research methods.


Ross has worked on a range of research and development projects which have been funded by the British Academy, Department of Health Policy Research Programme, NIHR Health Service and Delivery programme, the Health Foundation, and the Academic Health Science Network. Recent projects have included:

  • How health and care boards interact with research evidence
  • A study of inter organisational collaboration across provider organisations
  • Examining the role of executive Boards in overseeing quality and safety 
  • Comparative case studies of healthcare reform 
  • Analysing workforce perspectives of healthcare reform in China 
  • The start-up and growth of social enterprises in health and social care

Ross draws on a variety of theories and ideas from public policy, organisation studies, and sociology to make sense of these developments. His methodological interests are primarily qualitative drawing on interviews and observations. He also has an interest in Realist synthesis and evaluation.

Ross is interested in any PhD proposals connected to these areas.


Recent publications


Tingle, J, Milo, C, Msiska , G & Millar, R (eds) 2023, Research Handbook on Patient Safety and the Law. Research Handbooks in Health and Medical Law series, Edward Elgar.


Samarasinghe, BSW, Millar, R & Exworthy, M 2024, 'Bridging the divide? Why the integration of standardisation and individualisation of care remains paramount during turbulent times', BMJ Leader.

Bian, D, Xiao, Y, Song, K, Dong, M, Millar, R, Shi, C, Li, G & Li, L 2023, 'Determinants Influencing the Adoption of Internet Health Care Technology Among Chinese Health Care Professionals: Extension of the Value-Based Adoption Model With Burnout Theory', Journal of Medical Internet Research, vol. 25, e37671.

Millar, R, Aunger, JA, Rafferty, AM, Greenhalgh, J, Mannion, R, McLeod, H & Faulks, D 2023, 'Towards achieving interorganisational collaboration between health-care providers: a realist evidence synthesis', Health and Social Care Delivery Research, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 1-130.

Aunger, JA, Millar, R, Rafferty, AM & Mannion, R 2022, 'Collaboration over competition? Regulatory reform and inter-organisational relations in the NHS amidst the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study', BMC Health Services Research, vol. 22, no. 1, 640.

Parkinson, S, Bousfield, J, Millar, R, George, J & Marjanovic, S 2022, 'Communicating research evidence to boards in health and care organisations: a scoping study', Rand health quarterly, vol. 9, no. 3, 25. <>

Aunger, JA, Millar, R, Rafferty, AM, Mannion, R, Greenhalgh, J, Faulks, D & McLeod, H 2022, 'How, when, and why do inter-organisational collaborations in healthcare work? A realist evaluation', PLoS ONE, vol. 17, no. 4, e0266899.

Powell, M, Blenkinsopp, J, Davies, H, Mannion, R, Millar, R, McHale, J & Snowden, N 2022, 'The case of the disappearing whistleblower: an analysis of National Health Service inquiries', Public Money & Management, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 59-69.

Dong, S, Millar, R, Shi, C, Dong, M, Xiao, Y, Shen, J & Li, G 2021, 'Rating hospital performance in China: review of publicly available measures and development of a ranking system', Journal of Medical Internet Research, vol. 23, no. 6, e17095.


Millar, R 2023, Patient safety and the law: a thematic review and assessment of future options. in J Tingle, C Milo, G Msiska & R Millar (eds), Research Handbook on Patient Safety and the Law. Research Handbooks in Health and Medical Law series, Edward Elgar, pp. 369-376.

Millar, R, Waring, J & Lalani, M 2023, Quality and the NHS: Fair-Weather Friends or a Long-Standing Relationship? in M Exworthy, R Mannion & M Powell (eds), The NHS at 75: The State of UK Health Policy. Bristol University Press, pp. 136-156. <>

Commissioned report

Parkinson, S, Bousfield, J, Millar, R, George, J & Marjanovic, S 2021, Communicating research evidence to boards in health and care organisations: A scoping study . RAND Corporation.


Millar, R, Williams, C, Morgan, S & Agble, R 2022, 'Realising population health: how can collaboration between NHS providers meet the challenges ahead?', British Journal of Healthcare Management, vol. 29, no. 12.

Review article

Aunger, JA, Millar, R & Greenhalgh, J 2023, 'Modelling lifecycles of inter-organizational collaborations in healthcare: a systematic review and best-fit framework synthesis', Journal of Health, Organization and Management, vol. 37, no. 4/5, pp. 409-442.

Millar, R 2021, 'From Mao to McDonaldization? Assessing the rationalisation of health care in China', Sociology of Health and Illness, vol. 43, no. 7, pp. 1643-1659.

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