Recent publications
Exworthy, M, Mannion, R & Powell, M (eds) 2023, The NHS at 75: The State of UK Health Policy. Bristol University Press. <>
Samarasinghe, BSW, Millar, R & Exworthy, M 2024, 'Bridging the divide? Why the integration of standardisation and individualisation of care remains paramount during turbulent times', BMJ Leader.
Sheaff, R, Ellis Paine, A, Exworthy, M, Hardwick, R & Smith, C 2024, 'Commodification and healthcare in the third sector in England: from gift to commodity—and back?', Public Money & Management, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 298-307.
Exworthy, M, Lunt, N, Tuck, P & Mistry, R 2024, 'From commodification to entrepreneurialism: how commercial income is transforming the English NHS', Public Money & Management, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 308-316.
Ansmann, L, Nöst, S, Körner, M, Auschra, C, Bal, R, Böddeker, M, Bode, I, Braithwaite, J, Breidenbach, C, Coors, M, Demirer, I, Exworthy, M, Harst, L, Heuser, C, Hoffmann, J, Köberlein-Neu, J, Krajic, K, Maniatopoulos, G, Mannion, R, Möhler, R, Pfaff, H, Rind, E, Schnack, MAH, Wagner, MAA, Weigl, M, Wensing, M, Wiig, S, Wild, E, Wilhelm, H, Wirtz, M & Götz, K 2024, 'Navigating the Future of Organisational Health Services Research in Germany and beyond: a Position Paper', Das Gesundheitswesen.
Lunt, N & Exworthy, M 2024, 'NHS dentistry in Britain: A long overdue check‐up', World Medical & Health Policy.
Sheaff, R, Allen, P, Exworthy, M & Mannion, R 2024, 'The policy and politics of healthcare corporatisation: The case of the English NHS', Social Science and Medicine, vol. 342, 116505.
Mannion, R, Exworthy, M, Wiig, S & Braithwaite, J 2023, 'The power of Autonomy and resilience in health care delivery', BMJ, vol. 382, e073331.
Waring, J, Bishop, S, Black, G, Clarke, JM, Exworthy, M, Fulop, NJ, Hartley, J, Ramsay, A & Roe, B 2022, 'Navigating the micro-politics of major system change: The implementation of Sustainability Transformation Partnerships in the English health and care system', Journal of Health Services Research & Policy.
Exworthy, M, Gabe, J, Jones, IR & Smith, G 2021, 'Explaining health system responses to public reporting of cardiac surgery mortality in the UK and USA', Health economics, policy, and law, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 183–200.
Exworthy, M & Lafond, S 2021, 'New development: commercialization of the English National Health Service: a necessity in times of financial austerity?', Public Money & Management, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 81-84.
Hodgson, DE, Bailey, S, Exworthy, M, Bresnen, M, Hassard, J & Hyde, P 2021, 'On the character of the new entrepreneurial NHS in England: reforming health care from within?', Public Administration.
Essex, R, Rao, M, Mir, F, Surash, S & Exworthy, M 2022, 'The National Clinical Impact Awards: Cosmetic change or fundamental reform?', Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, vol. 115, no. 9, pp. 333-336.
Review article
Nöst , S, Miedaner, F, Wagner, A, Beckmann, M, Exworthy, M, Götz , K, Körner , M, Mannion, R, Pfaff, H, Piotrowski, A, Hammer, A & Ansmann, L 2024, 'Organisational Health Services Research in Germany: A Scoping Review of Conference Abstracts', Das Gesundheitswesen.
Kang, HS & Exworthy, M 2022, 'Wearing the Future-Wearables to Empower Users to Take Greater Responsibility for Their Health and Care: Scoping Review', JMIR mHealth and uHealth, vol. 10, no. 7, e35684.
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