Tessier, D., Smith, N., Tzioumakis, Y., Quested, E., Sarrazin, P., Papaioannou, A., Digelidis, N., & Duda, J. L. (2013) Comparing the objective motivationalclimate created by grassroots soccercoaches in England, Greece and France. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology,
Smith, N., Quested, E., Appleton, P., & Duda, J. L. (In preparation). A Review of Motivation-based Coach Observation Insturments in Sport
Smith, N., et al. (In preparation). Development and Validation of a Multidimensional Motivational Climate Observation System.
Conference presentations:
Smith, N., Tessier, D., Tzioumakis, Y., Appleton, P., Quested, E., & Duda, J. L. (2013). The Relationship Between the Objectively Rated Coach-Created Motivational Climate and Athletes’ Basic Psychological Needs and Sport Enjoyment. European College of Sport and Exercise Science Conference, Barcelona, Spain, June 2013.
Smith, N., Tzioumakis, Y., Tessier, D., Appleton, P., Quested, E., & Duda, J. L. (2013). Initial Examination of the Psychometric Properties of the Multidimensional Motivational Climate Observation System. Poster Presented at the European College of Sport and Exercise Science Conference, Barcelona, Spain, June 2013.
Sarrazin, P., Smith, N., Tzioumakis, Y., Tessier, D., Quested, E., Papaioannou, A., & Duda, J. L. (2013) Correlates of the Objectively Assessed Empowering and Disempowering Features of the Motivational Climate in Grassroots Football. European College of Sport and Exercise Science Conference, Barcelona, Spain, June 2013.
Smith, N., Tessier, D., Tzioumakis, Y., Appleton, P., Quested, E., & Duda, J. L. (2013). The Relationship Between the Objectively Rated Coach-Created Motivational Climate and Athletes’ Basic Psychological Needs and Sport Enjoyment. Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, Tokyo, Japan, September 2013.
Tessier, D., Sarrazin, P., Smith, N., Quested, E., Duda, J. L., Tzioumakis, Y., Papaioannou, A., & Digiledis, N. (2013) Comparing the Objective Motivational Climate Created by Grassroots Football Coaches in England, Greece and France. Self-determination Conference, Rochester, United States, June, 2013
Quested, E., Appleton, P.R., Smith, N., Ntoumanis, N., & Duda, J.L. (2012). Advances in the measurement of the multidimensional motivational climate in sport. Association for Applied Sport Psychology Annual Conference, Atlanta, United States, October 2012.
Smith, N., Quested, E., Appleton, P., & Duda. J.L. (2012). The development and testing of an objective rating system to assess the coach-created motivational climate in sport. Summer School of the International Conference on Motivation, Frankfurt, Germany, August 2012
Smith, N., Quested, E., Appleton, P., & Duda. J.L. (2012). Differences in the coach-created psychological environment across training and competition in youth sport. Poster Presented at the European College of Sport and Exercise Science Conference, Bruges, Belgium, July 2012.
Smith, N., Quested, E., Appleton, P., & Duda, J. L. (2012). Examining the relationship between the objective and perceived coach created motivational climate in youth sport. British Psychological Society Annual Conference 2012, London, United Kingdom, April 2012
Smith, N., Quested, E., Appleton, P., and Duda, J. L. (2011). The motivational climate in sport: objectively measuring what coaches do and how they do it. Universitas 21 Early Career Researcher Workshop: Healthy Living, Birmingham, United Kingdom, December 2011
Tessier, D., Tzioumakis, Y., Smith, N., Sarrazin, P., Digelidis, N., Papaioannou, A., Quested, E., & Duda, J. L. (2011). Development of an observational instrument assessing the coach-created environment. 13th FEPSAC European Congress of Sport Psychology, Madeira, Portugal, July 2011