Martin Holmes

Advanced Manipulative Physiotherapy MSc, 2023

Why did you choose to study your course at the University of Birmingham?

The university of Birmingham is a highly respected university; its location and connections with employers worked well for me. Also, I gradated from this University with an undergraduate degree too!

What have been the highlights of the course?

The Continuing Professional Development and Mentored Practice module was both the greatest challenge and most useful of the course. To continually reflect and critique your own practice as an experienced physiotherapist was enlightening. Having the time to reflect, research and learn from two amazing physiotherapists was invaluable.

What was your research project about?

I successfully completed a national online survey of practice investigating the conservative management of scapholunate instability. An area I have previously published in.

What key aspects of your experience at the University of Birmingham would you highlight to students thinking about coming to do the same course?

I would recommend considering exactly what you want and need from an MSc before deciding which one is right for you in the changing healthcare landscape. Ask yourself where do I want to be in 5 years?

What are your ambitions for the future? Do you have specific career plans?

I am in the process of publishing my MSc thesis and presenting my findings at the conference. My longer-term ambition is to work in an Advanced Clinical Practitioner role in an Orthopaedic or Emergency Department.