Mrs Jane Watson PG Cert Ed, MSc, BSc Hons, RN Dip Ed,

Mrs Jane Watson

Institute of Applied Health Research
PhD Student

Contact details

Murray Learning Centre
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Jane has a specialist interest in the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), both in supporting patients and the healthcare staff that care for this population. Jane has worked within respiratory medicine since 2000 in a variety of clinical and teaching roles across primary, community, secondary, tertiary, health care settings. Jane maintains clinical practice, whilst also teaching full time at a higher education institute.

She is very interested in investigating factors that influence behaviour change, which not only impacts upon health related quality of life for this population, but also has the potential to advance the healthcare practitioners role in caring for those with respiratory disease.

Jane is passionate about COPD care, improving the research to practice delay and advancing advanced clinical practice roles at a practice and strategic level. Jane is particularly enjoying her personal research skill development and the new evidence that is being discovered within her PhD journey, which will ultimately benefit healthcare.


  • NMC Teacher, Anglia Ruskin University, 2015
  • PG Cert Ed in Medical and Health Care Teaching, Anglia Ruskin University, 2013
  • MSc in Respiratory Management (Inc: Non-medical prescribing), Edgehill University, 2013
  • BSc Hons Respiratory Healthcare, Lancaster University,2007
  • Adult Registered Nurse Dip Ed, Bloomsbury & Islington College of Nursing and Midwifery, UCL, London, 1993-1996


When initially qualified, Jane worked on the cardiothoracic surgical ward, however 2001 saw a turning point as she switched from being a surgical nurse to a medical nurse caring for patients with chronic respiratory disease, initially in a tertiary care setting.

Her respiratory nurse experience includes: Intensive Care Unit (United Kingdom and Canada), senior staff nurse Cystic Fibrosis and Chest Medical Ward, Research nurse within the fields of pulmonary hypertension, Non-invasive ventilation and self-management within COPD. She has also worked as a Lung Cancer Nurse Specialist in secondary care and a respiratory nurse specialist both in the community and secondary care setting.

As a nurse she has been teaching patients, careers and junior colleagues informally for a considerable period of time. However as her field of expertise grew she taught more formally in and out of practice, realizing the huge rewards of pedagogy she took a full time post in Higher Education. She currently teaches predominately post-graduation students, within the Specialist Community Practitioner pathway: District Nursing and MSc Advanced Clinical Practice programme.


Jane works as a Senior Lecturer in Community Nursing at a University in the Eastern Region where she teaches and mentors largely qualified health care professionals on a range of clinical focused courses, particularly within the arena of Advanced Practice. Jane also supports pre-registration students, largely nurses.

Postgraduate supervision

Doctoral research

PhD title
'Improving referral within primary care to Pulmonary Rehabilitation for patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.' Expected year of completion: 2021


Jane is currently undertaking a PhD which focuses on the referral to pulmonary rehabilitation for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease from a primary health care perspective.

 Research groups and centres

Jane is a member of the Primary Care Respiratory Society research group.

Other activities

  • Nurse trustee for the Primary Care Respiratory Society, a position commenced in June 2017 – ongoing.
  • Maintains clinical skills, working as an advanced nurse practitioner in general practice 2 days a month, Feb 2017 – ongoing.


Watson JS, Adeb P, Jordan RE, Enocson A & Greenfield S. 2020. Referral of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease to pulmonary rehabilitation: a qualitative study of barriers and enablers for primary healthcare practitioners. British Journal of General Practice Online First. Available online at: DOI:

Watson,J & Ross L. 2019 Debate: should the use of e-cigarettes be encouraged among smokers? Nursing Times [online]; 115: 4, 22-23.

Blakeborough,L & J Watson. 2019 The importance of obtaining a sputum sample and how it can aid diagnosis and treatment. British Journal of Community Nursing. 28 (5) 295-98.

Levack, W, Watson J, S. Hay-Smith, E, Davies, C. Ingham, T. Jones, B. Cargo, M. Houghton, C and McCarthy, B. 2018 Factors influencing referral to and uptake and attendance of pulmonary rehabilitation for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a qualitative evidence synthesis of the experiences of service users, their families, and healthcare providers (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

Watson ,J. 2018 Non-pharmacological management of breathlessness in the stable COPD patient. British Journal of Nursing 23 (8) 266-271.

Early,F. Young,J.S  Robinshaw,E. Zheling-Mi,E. Zheling-Mi ,E. Fuld,J.2017 A case-series of an off-the-shelf online health resource with integrated nurse coaching to support self-managment in COPD. International Journal of COPD.

Young, J, Jordan, R. Adeb,P. Enocson,A. Jolly,K.2017 Interventions to promote referral, uptake and adherence to pulmonary rehabilitation for people with COPD. (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

Book Chapters Young, J. 2016 'Self-Management in Chronic Respiratory Disease' and 'Patient education' in Respiratory Nursing 'at a Glance. Wiley, London.

Young, J 2014 Arterialized Earlobe capillary blood gases in the COPD population. British Journal of Nursing 23 (15) p838-842