Professor Larissa Fabritz

Professor Larissa Fabritz

Department of Cardiovascular Sciences
Honorary Professor

Contact details

Cardiovascular Sciences
College of Medicine and Health
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Professor Larissa Fabritz studies novel mechanisms of heart disease and performs translational research towards mechanism-based therapies of cardiovascular diseases. As a clinical consultant, she sees patients in the Department of Cardiology at UHB. Larissa engages in research on molecular mechanisms of cardiomyopathies and arrhythmias as well as molecular cardiovascular imaging with her working group at the University of Birmingham and collaborations throughout Europe and North America.

Professor Fabritz is also Birmingham Principal Investigator for the Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Early Detection of Stroke and Atrial Fibrillation (MAESTRIA) project. This is a major international research programme which will develop a precise method to diagnose atrial cardiomyopathy, thereby providing clinicians with individualised clinical patient data to predict a patient's likelihood of suffering from subclinical AF, their future risk of AF and their overall risk of ischemic stroke with an accuracy that surpasses any currently available instrument.


  • 2016 Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians London
  • 2012 Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology
  • 2012 Habilitation Internal Medicine “Towards molecular mechanism-based therapy of cardiomyopathies and arrhythmias”
  • 2011 GMC accreditation
  • 2010 Board Certification in Medicine
  • 1998 Thesis summa cum laude
  • 1997 Graduation from Medical School


  • MBChB
  • BMedSci
  • MRes Cardiovascular Sciences

Professor Fabritz is currently Cardiology Specialty Lead for Year 4 MBChB and Cardiology Specialty Lead for the Academic In Day (Year 5 MBChB)

Postgraduate supervision

  • PhD supervisor
  • MD supervisor

Current students are listed on the group webpage.

Professor Fabritz has supervised MD and PhD students in Germany and the UK and offers translational and interdisciplinary cardiovascular research projects on various topics of heart failure and arrhythmias, cardiomyopathies and sudden death with opportunities for engagement in international collaborations. If you are interested in an MD or PhD in these areas, please contact Professor Fabritz via email including your CV.

Research Associate and Postdoctoral positions are currently available. Please email your application to including your CV.


  • Molecular mechanisms of arrhythmias and cardiomyopathies
  • Molecular mechanisms of atrial fibrillation and atrial thrombosis
  • Sodium channel dysfunction
  • Desmosomal proteins
  • Effects of ageing and exercise on arrhythmia and cardiomyopathy
  • Translation of preclinical research into clinical trials
  • Personalised medicine and management of care in patients with atrial fibrillation using a variety of innovative tools and techniques
  • Biomarkers of cardiomyopathy and arrhythmia
  • Big data and machine learning techniques for cardiovascular data
  • Development of mobile apps for adherent therapy and patient engagement
  • Screening for atrial fibrillation including wearables


Professor Fabritz is also linked to the below research groups:

Other activities


Recent publications


Chua, W, Khashaba, A, Canagarajah, H, Nielsen, JC, di Biase, L, Haeusler, KG, Hindricks, G, Mont, L, Piccini, J, Schnabel, RB, Schotten, U, Wienhues-Thelen, U-H, Zeller, T, Fabritz, L & Kirchhof, P 2024, 'Disturbed atrial metabolism, shear stress, and cardiac load contribute to atrial fibrillation after ablation: AXAFA biomolecule study', Europace, vol. 26, no. 2, euae028.

Fabritz, L, Fortmueller, L, Gehmlich, K, Kant, S, Kemper, M, Kucerova, D, Syeda, F, Faber, C, Leube, R, Kirchhof, P & Krusche, CA 2024, 'Endurance training provokes Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy phenotype in heterozygous Desmoglein 2 mutants: Alleviation by preload reduction', Biomedicines, vol. 12, no. 5, 985.

Linz, D, Andrade, JG, Arbelo, E, Boriani, G, Breithardt, G, Camm, AJ, Caso, V, Nielsen, JC, De Melis, M, De Potter, T, Dichtl, W, Diederichsen, SZ, Dobrev, D, Doll, N, Duncker, D, Dworatzek, E, Eckardt, L, Eisert, C, Fabritz, L, Farkowski, M, Filgueiras-Rama, D, Goette, A, Guasch, E, Hack, G, Hatem, S, Haeusler, KG, Healey, JS, Heidbuechel, H, Hijazi, Z, Hofmeister, LH, Hove-Madsen, L, Huebner, T, Kääb, S, Kotecha, D, Malaczynska-Rajpold, K, Merino, JL, Metzner, A, Mont, L, Ng, GA, Oeff, M, Parwani, AS, Puererfellner, H, Ravens, U, Rienstra, M, Sanders, P, Scherr, D, Schnabel, R, Schotten, U, Sohns, C, Steinbeck, G, Steven, D, Toennis, T, Tzeis, S, van Gelder, IC, van Leerdam, RH, Vernooy, K, Wadhwa, M, Wakili, R, Willems, S, Witt, H, Zeemering, S & Kirchhof, P 2024, 'Longer and better lives for patients with atrial fibrillation: the 9th AFNET/EHRA consensus conference', Europace, vol. 26, no. 4, euae070.

Khan, N, Steeds, R, Kyte, D, Fabritz, L, Collis, P, Chua, WWL, Stubbs, C, Mehta, S, Sun, Y, Nulty, M, Kirkham, K & Cotton, JM 2024, 'Pilot study to evaluate the use of remote patient monitoring to guide the timing of valve intervention in patients with severe asymptomatic aortic stenosis (APRAISE-AS): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial delivered in two tertiary cardiac centres in the UK', BMJ open, vol. 14, no. 6, e086587.

Reyat, J, Sommerfeld, L, O'Reilly, M, Roth Cardoso, V, Thiemann, E, Khan, A, O'Shea, C, Harder, S, Müller, C, Barlow, J, Stapley, R, Chua, WWL, Kabir, N, Grech, O, Hummel, O, Hübner, N, Kaab, S, Mont, L, Hatem, SN, Winters, J, Zeemering, S, Morgan, N, Rayes, J, Gehmlich, K, Stoll, M, Brand, T, Schweizer , M, Piasecki, A, Schotten, U, Gkoutos, G, Lorenz, K, Cuello, F, Kirchhof, P & Fabritz, L 2024, 'PITX2 deficiency leads to atrial mitochondrial dysfunction', Cardiovascular Research.

Rinné, S, Kiper, AK, Jacob, R, Ortiz-Bonnin, B, Schindler, RFR, Fischer, S, Komadowski, M, deMartino, E, Schafer, MK-H, Cornelius, T, Fabritz, L, Helker, CSM, Brand, T & Decher, N 2024, 'Popeye-domain-containing proteins modulate the voltage-gated cardiac sodium channel Nav1.5', iScience.

Sommerfeld, LC, Holmes, AP, Yu, TY, O'Shea, C, Kavanagh, DM, Pike, JM, Wright, T, Syeda, F, Aljehani, A, Kew, T, Cardoso, VR, Kabir, SN, Hepburn, C, Menon, PR, Broadway‐Stringer, S, O'Reilly, M, Witten, A, Fortmueller, L, Lutz, S, Kulle, A, Gkoutos, GV, Pavlovic, D, Arlt, W, Lavery, GG, Steeds, R, Gehmlich, K, Stoll, M, Kirchhof, P & Fabritz, L 2024, 'Reduced plakoglobin increases the risk of sodium current defects and atrial conduction abnormalities in response to androgenic anabolic steroid abuse', The Journal of Physiology.

Rillig, A, Eckardt, L, Borof, K, Camm, AJ, Crijns, HJGM, Goette, A, Breithardt, G, Lemoine, MD, Metzner, A, Rottner, L, Schotten, U, Vettorazzi, E, Wegscheider, K, Zapf, A, Heidbuchel, H, Willems, S, Fabritz, L, Schnabel, RB, Magnussen, C & Kirchhof, P 2024, 'Safety and efficacy of long-term sodium channel blocker therapy for early rhythm control: the EAST-AFNET 4 trial', Europace, vol. 26, no. 6, euae121.

Aljehani, A, Baig, S, Kew, T, Kalla, M, Sommerfeld, LC, Murukutla, VA, Fabritz, L & Steeds, RP 2024, 'Structural Progression in Patients with Definite and Non-Definite Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy and Risk of Major Adverse Cardiac Events', Biomedicines, vol. 12, no. 2, 328.

Chua, W, Cardoso, VR, Guasch, E, Sinner, MF, Al-Taie, C, Brady, P, Casadei, B, Crijns, HJGM, Dudink, EAMP, Hatem, SN, Kääb, S, Kastner, P, Mont, L, Nehaj, F, Purmah, Y, Reyat, JS, Schotten, U, Sommerfeld, LC, Zeemering, S, Ziegler, A, Gkoutos, GV, Kirchhof, P & Fabritz, L 2023, 'An angiopoietin 2, FGF23, and BMP10 biomarker signature differentiates atrial fibrillation from other concomitant cardiovascular conditions', Scientific Reports, vol. 13, no. 1, 16743.

Aljehani, A, Kew, T, Baig, S, Cox, H, Sommerfeld, LC, Ensam, B, Kalla, M, Steeds, RP & Fabritz, L 2023, 'Characterisation of patients referred to a tertiary-level inherited cardiac condition clinic with suspected arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC)', BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, vol. 23, no. 1, 14.

Schnabel, RB, Marinelli, EA, Arbelo, E, Boriani, G, Boveda, S, Buckley, CM, Camm, AJ, Casadei, B, Chua, W, Dagres, N, de Melis, M, Desteghe, L, Diederichsen, SZ, Duncker, D, Eckardt, L, Eisert, C, Engler, D, Fabritz, L, Freedman, B, Gillet, L, Goette, A, Guasch, E, Svendsen, JH, Hatem, SN, Haeusler, KG, Healey, JS, Heidbuchel, H, Hindricks, G, Hobbs, FDR, Hübner, T, Kotecha, D, Krekler, M, Leclercq, C, Lewalter, T, Lin, H, Linz, D, Lip, GYH, Løchen, ML, Lucassen, W, Malaczynska-Rajpold, K, Massberg, S, Merino, JL, Meyer, R, Mont, L, Myers, MC, Neubeck, L, Niiranen, T, Oeff, M, Oldgren, J, Potpara, TS, Psaroudakis, G, Pürerfellner, H, Ravens, U, Rienstra, M, Rivard, L, Scherr, D, Schotten, U, Shah, D, Sinner, MF, Smolnik, R, Steinbeck, G, Steven, D, Svennberg, E, Thomas, D, True Hills, M, van Gelder, IC, Vardar, B, Palà, E, Wakili, R, Wegscheider, K, Wieloch, M, Willems, S, Witt, H, Ziegler, A, Daniel Zink, M, Willems, S, Witt, H, Ziegler, A, Daniel Zink, M & Kirchhof, P 2023, 'Early diagnosis and better rhythm management to improve outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation: the 8th AFNET/EHRA consensus conference', Europace, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 6-27.

Kany, S, Cardoso, VR, Bravo, L, Williams, JA, Schnabel, R, Fabritz, L, Gkoutos, GV & Kirchhof, P 2022, 'Eligibility for early rhythm control in patients with atrial fibrillation in the UK Biobank', Heart.

O'Reilly, M, Sommerfeld, LC, O'Shea, C, Broadway-Stringer, S, Andaleeb, S, Reyat, JS, Kabir, SN, Stastny, D, Malinova, A, Delbue, D, Fortmueller, L, Gehmlich, K, Pavlovic, D, Skryabin, BV, Holmes, AP, Kirchhof, P & Fabritz, L 2022, 'Familial atrial fibrillation mutation M1875T-SCN5A increases early sodium current and dampens the effect of flecainide', EP Europace.

Review article

ESC Task Force, Glikson, M, Nielsen, JC, Kronborg, MB, Michowitz, Y, Auricchio, A, Barbash, IM, Barrabes, JA, Boriani, G, Braunschweig, F, Brignole, M, Burri, H, Coats, AJS, Deharo, JC, Delgado, V, Diller, GP, Israel, CW, Keren, A, Knops, RE, Kotecha, D, Leclercq, C, Merkely, B, Starck, C, Thylen, I, Tolosana, JM, Leyva, F, Linde, C, Abdelhamid, M, Aboyans, V, Arbelo, E, Asteggiano, R, Barón-Esquivias, G, Bauersachs, J, Biffi, M, Birgersdotter-Green, U, Bongiorni, MG, Borger, MA, Celutkienė, J, Cikes, M, Daubert, JC, Drossart, I, Ellenbogen, K, Elliott, PM, Fabritz, L, Falk, V, Fauchier, L, Fernández-Aviles, F, Foldager, D, Gadler, F, De Vinuesa, PGG, Gorenek, B, Guerra, JM, Haugaa, KH, Hendriks, J, Kahan, T, Katus, HA, Konradi, A, Koskinas, KC, Law, H, Lewis, BS, Linker, NJ, Løchen, M-L, Lumens, J, Mascherbauer, J, Mullens, W, Nagy, KV, Prescott, E, Raatikainen, P, Rakisheva, A, Reichlin, T, Ricci, RP, Shlyakhto, E, Sitges, M, Sousa-Uva, M, Sutton, R, Suwalski, P, Svendsen, JH, Touyz, RM, Van Gelder, IC, Vernooy, K, Waltenberger, J, Whinnett, Z & Witte, KK 2022, '2021 ESC Guidelines on cardiac pacing and cardiac resynchronization therapy: Developed by the Task Force on cardiac pacing and cardiac resynchronization therapy of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) With the special contribution of the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA)', Europace, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 71-164.

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