Dr Louise Hatherall

Birmingham Law School
Research Fellow

Contact details

Birmingham Law School
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

I am currently a Research Fellow, based at Birmingham Law School. I conduct socio-legal research broadly directed at the law and regulation of technologies which impact health, intellectual property, and public engagement in these spaces.


  • PhD in Law, University of Bristol, 2021
  • MSc in Socio-Legal Research Methods, University of Bristol, 2016
  • LLB, University of Kent, 2011


I am a Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham Law School. I currently work on the Everyday Cyborgs 2.0 project with Professor Muireann Quigley. I am also a Visiting Researcher at the Centre for Biomedicine, Self and Society and an affiliate of the Centre for Technomoral Futures, both at the University of Edinburgh. I was previously a Postdoctoral Research Fellow within the Centre for Biomedicine, Self and Society at the University of Edinburgh working on the ‘Trustworthy Autonomous Systems: Making Systems Answer’ project and the Subject Lead for the Foundations of Law and Politics programme at the University of Bristol.

I am broadly interested in socio-legal empirical research, and particularly how this can explore the intersections between health technologies, patents, regulation, and the public. I obtained my MSc in Socio-Legal Studies (2016) and PhD in Law from the University of Bristol (2021), and an LLB from the University of Kent (2011). 

I have previously taught on the intercalculated Bioethics, Law, and Society programme at the University of Edinburgh. At the University of Bristol, I delivered teaching on core foundational Law modules (including Constitutional Law, and Introduction to Studying Law). I have also delivered guest lectures on Intellectual Property Law and Socio-Legal approaches to research.

I am an active member of several networks, including the Socio-Legal Studies Association, Patent Scholars Network, NELSIP, and the Empirical Legal Research Network. I also act as External Examiner for the International Foundation Programme at the University of Reading. 



Recent publications


Hatherall, L & Sethi, N 2025, 'Exploring expert and public perceptions of answerability and trustworthy autonomous systems', Journal of Responsible Technology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrt.2025.100106

Hatherall, L & Sethi, N 2024, 'Regulating for trustworthy autonomous systems: exploring stakeholder perspectives on answerability', Journal of Law and Society, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 586-609. https://doi.org/10.1111/jols.12501

Hatherall, L 2022, 'Procedural Issues in Public Interest Patent Challenges', European Intellectual Property Review, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 198-208. <https://uk.westlaw.com/Document/I113E5E60A58B11EC9D92EFEB3B33CB4E/View/FullText.html>

Book/Film/Article review

Hatherall, L 2019, 'Human Rights in Global Health: Rights-Based Governance for a Globalizing World, edited by Benjamin Mason Meier and Lawrence O Gostin', The Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, vol. 70, no. 1.

Conference contribution

Hatherall, L, Keküllüoğlu, D, Kökciyan, N, Rovatsos, M, Vallor, S, Sethi, N & Vierkant, T 2023, Responsible Agency Through Answerability: Cultivating the Moral Ecology of Trustworthy Autonomous Systems. in TAS '23: Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems., 50, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). https://doi.org/10.1145/3597512.3597529

Other contribution

Hatherall, L 2024, Medical Humanities and Artificial Intelligence: Boundaries, Methodologies, Practice. Durham University . <https://thepolyphony.org/2024/06/28/medical-humanities-artificial-intelligence/>

Vallor, S & Hatherall, L 2023, Edinburgh Declaration on Responsibility for Responsible AI.. <https://medium.com/@svallor_10030/edinburgh-declaration-on-responsibility-for-responsible-ai-1a98ed2e328b>


Keküllüoğlu, D, Hatherall, L, Sethi, N, Vierkant, T, Vallor, S, Kokciyan, N & Rovatsos, M 2023, 'Answerability by Design in Sociotechnical Systems', Paper presented at 26th ACM Conference On Computer-Supported Cooperative Work And Social Computing, Minneapolis, United States, 14/10/23 - 18/10/23. <https://cscw-user-ai-auditing.github.io/media/papers/Answerability_by_Design.pdf>

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