Molecular and Cellular Immunology
Third year module
Molecular and Cellular Immunology is an optional third-year module taken by our BSc Human Biology, BSc Biological Sciences and BSc Biochemistry students.
BIO388 Molecular and Cellular Immunology - Module
Molecular and Cellular Immunology is a third-year module which is optional. In the module we try and discuss issues around modern immunology going right from the evolution of immune systems in early animals up to full human immunity, where we discuss issues like adaptive and innate immunity, the function of B-cells and T-cells and phagocytic cells and the role of antibody.
The module is composed of lectures primarily but also an extensive practical where you’ll learn how to identify different white blood cells and what each white blood cell type does.
The assessment for the module is divided between a final exam and also in-course assessment, which itself is composed of two parts. So there is a data handling and identification exercise and then there’s a controversies topic. In the controversies aspect, you look at something that’s still unresolved, a modern, hot topic in immunology. You’ll be provided with papers that argue different sides of this particular debate and it’s up to you to learn how to distinguish what is true from what is not and to come up with your own view on what the likely answer is to this still unresolved topic in immunology.
20 Credits
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