Exercise Prescription in Health & Disease
Year Three
20 Credits
This module will critically assess the scientific evidence of physical activity and exercise interventions to enhance physiological and psychological health in different populations. Specifically, it will cover:
- Physiological benefits of exercise/physical activity and its underlying mechanisms, such as muscle strength, cardiovascular benefits, immunological benefits
- Psychological benefits of exercise/physical activity and its underlying mechanisms, such as depression, anxiety, fatigue Benefits of different exercise modalities, such as resistance exercise, aerobic exercise, yoga, physical activity
- Design of interventions to encourage the uptake and maintenance of exercise behaviour
- Benefits of exercise for specific populations, such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, older adults
Public facing exercise promotions materials with scientific justification (40%; max 1000 words for promotion materials plus max of 1500 words for scientific justification)
Exam (60%; 2 hours)