Simon Grumett

Consultant & Honorary Senior Lecturer in Medical Oncology, Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust 
BSc Mathematics & Statistics (1990), MBChB Medicine (1995), PhD in mathematical modelling in cancer (2006)

Genuinely try your best at everything you do, then, whatever the outcome, you can have no regrets.

After completing my maths degree in the late eighties I was unsure of what career to follow. I considered research, accountancy and teaching until after working as an auxiliary nurse for some time I decided to apply to do medicine. I self-funded, teaching in the maths department during term-time and working as a nurse in the holidays and graduated in 1995. After a series of junior doctor jobs in the West Midlands, and a PhD in mathematical modelling in cancer (2001-3), I became a Consultant Medical Oncologist in 2005 at Wolverhampton. In 2013 I became Head of Department and now spend my days split between patient care, management, and teaching medical students.

What is the best thing about what you are doing now?

Looking after a large number of cancer patients in whom I can make a real difference in their outcomes, be it survival or quality of life.

What was the best thing about your time as a student here?   

I had a great social life, and found maths fascinating, especially number theory and topology (from my distant memories).

In what way did living and studying in Birmingham live up to your expectations?

I didn't really have any expectations, but I have never left the West Midlands, and I am still involved with the University, teaching and assessing medical students.

How did you grow as a person by coming to University? Did it change your life in any way?

I arrived at Birmingham as a very naive eighteen year old. I have been a student at Birmingham three times, maths, medicine and my PhD. It is fair to say that it has shaped my career, and my life significantly over the last 25 years.

What advice would you give to current students studying on your degree programme? 

Genuinely try your best at everything you do, then, whatever the outcome, you can have no regrets.