Andy Johns


Teacher and Head of Year, Dollar Academy
BSc Physics (1992)

Make the most of every opportunity to get involved in all that is on offer beyond your degree .

After graduating with a Physics degree I spent a year doing a PGCE at King's College London and have now been a teacher for just over 20 years, in both England and now in Scotland. I've spent quite a few years as an examiner with London University/Edexcel and was A-level Principal Examiner for eight years, during which I wrote a dozen A-level papers. This made me realise that, with hindsight, I wish I had studied more Astrophysics at Birmingham.

What is the best thing about what you are doing now? 
Working with people - youngsters who are on an upward spiral in their lives, with so much potential and dreams and possibilities ahead of them.

What was the best thing about your time as a student here? 
UBMC - the University of Birmingham Mountaineering Club.

In what way did living and studying in Birmingham live up to your expectations? 
It's a great campus environment - so good that you might only appreciate it when it's too late.

How did you grow as a person by coming to University? Did it change your life in any way? 
I met my wife in first year when I was in Lake Hall and she was in Wyddrington Hall. We have now been married for over twenty years and have four children. We have lifelong friends from UoB and meet up every summer (at least). Personally, lots of areas beyond my subject kept me busy - BUNAC, Mountaineering, Hall of Residence Musical.

What advice would you give to current students? 
Make the most of every opportunity to get involved in all that is on offer beyond your degree - there are fantastic opportunities available.

Is there anything else you would like to share? 
The photo of me is from the Highland Fling Ultra-marathon (53 miles) in April 2014 - I've come 5th and 3rd in the Scottish Ultra Marathon Series in 2011 and 2012.