Dr Katherine Eales

PERCAT Rep for the Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research


What is your academic background and current research field?

I am a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow within the Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research (IMSR) in the College of Medical and Dental Sciences since October 2018. My project within Professor Daniel Tennant’s research group is to investigate how metabolic flexibility is altered in hypoxia and how this can be exploited in the search for novel cancer-therapeutics. Before starting my post-doctoral career, I completed a degree in Biochemistry and worked as a research associate in Neuroscience at the University of Warwick for 2 years. I then came to the University of Birmingham in 2013 where I completed both my Masters and PhD in cancer research.

What is your role as a PERCAT Rep and how can postdocs in your school contact you?

My role as a PERCAT rep alongside Daniela Nasteska is to provide a voice for the IMSR postdoc community. In this role, I aim to promote the career-development and training events which are organised through PERCAT and liaise between the committee and the post-doc and early career community to the feedback their opinions, ideas and specific career development needs. I can be contacted by email at K.L.Eales@bham.ac.uk and am located on the 2nd floor of the IBR building.

Katherine Eales