Dr Daniela Nasteska

PERCAT Rep for the Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research


What is your academic background and current research field? 

I am a Research Fellow within the Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research (IMSR) in the College of Medical and Dental Sciences. My research falls within the field of islet biology and type 2 diabetes. The aim is to elucidate β-cell heterogeneity within the pancreatic islets and the role it plays in insulin release. I have been a PERCAT rep for the IMSR since March 2019.

What is your role as a PERCAT Rep and how can postdocs in your school contact you?

My role as an IMSR PERCAT rep is to reach out to the postdoctoral community within our institute. The goal is to share all the relevant news, events and training courses info with my peers, as well as provide feedback on their needs and interests regarding their career. I can be reached by email at d.nasteska@bham.ac.uk.

Daniela Nasteska