Centrist Anti-Establishment Parties and their Struggle for Survival

Wednesday 6 December 2023 (16:00-17:30)

Manoel Gehrke at: m.gehrkeryffmoreira@bham.ac.uk

Join us for this special seminar organized as part of the activities of the REPRESENT network of scholars from the Universities of Nottingham and Birmingham to discuss Sarah Engler’s new book exploring the fate of anti-establishment parties in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).Sarah engler book cover

Drawing on the experience of more than 100 parties across the CEE region including some of the more frequently neglected cases of Latvia, Lithuania and Slovenia, Sarah Engler provides an account of why a few anti-establishment parties survive and thrive, but many do not. 


  • Sarah Engler (Leuphana)


  • Sean Hanley (UCL) and Natascha Neudorfer (Dusseldorf)

Chair and Convenor: Tim Haughton

Time: 16:00-17:30 (UK time)
Venue: Online