Blogs and Publications
Find listed below blogs, publications and other outputs from members of the Education Equity Initiative Team
Listen to Dr Jodie Pennacchia address the question Alternative Provision: Who is it for? Alongside other invited panel speakers at an event hosted by the ESRC-funded Excluded Lives project team, The Department for Education at The University of Oxford.
Alternative Provision: Who is it for?
Peruzzo, F. (June 2024). UK General Election: How to fix a broken system – Starting points for an equitable and inclusive education system in England under a new government. SEN Policy Research Forum
What does the tertiary turn in higher education policy mean in practice?
WONKHE. 12 December 2023
Who gets a say in the future direction of AI?
Social Sciences Birmingham. 2 November 2023
True crime drama and creative co-production research: the art and social science of narrative
Social Sciences Birmingham. 27 September 2023
Why we need a standing commission to break the deadlock in higher education
Academy of Social Sciences. September 2023
How 25 years of education policy led us to believe we can only succeed in life with a degree
The Conversation. 8 August 2023
Ending Educational Inequities: Learning from the pandemic to interrupt educational exclusions and foster inclusive educational communities
Living Places Publishing. 13 June 2023
Drive for change
ResearchProfessional News. 22 January 2023
A new ecology of higher education: Disability, access, participation and belonging
BERA Blog Special Series. 13 January 2023
It's time to make English higher education institutions accessible: disabled student representatives lead the way to change. Higher Education Policy Institute. January 2023
Gamekeepers, poachers, policy wonks and knowledge
Society for Research into Higher Education. 18 November 2022
The future of the university as a network
British Educational Research Association. 26 August 2022
Catalyst for collaboration
ResearchProfessional News. 26 June 2022
Lift, don’t limit
Research Professional. 27 February 2022
Can a “geography-blind” market in English higher education deliver “levelling up”?
Academy of Social Sciences
Allan, J & Peruzzo, F 2023, Students, teachers, families, and a socially just education: Rewriting the grammar of schooling to unsettle identities. Education Studies, Lived Places Publishing, New York. <>
Johnston, C, Malcolm, A & Pennacchia, J 2024, 'How is theory used to understand and inform practice in the alternative provision sector in England: trends, gaps and implications for practice', International Journal of Inclusive Education.
Millward, C 2024, 'Improving, but not equalising opportunity: the objective and effect of regulating fair access to higher education in England, and their implications for understanding higher education policy ', Oxford Review of Education, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 148-166.
Allan, J & Harwood, V 2023, 'Approaching the self: alternative perspectives of selfwork in education', International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.
Millward, C 2023, 'Balancing the incentives in English higher education: the imperative to strengthen civic influence for levelling up*', Contemporary Social Science: Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences.
Nieminen, JH, Bagger, A & Allan, J 2023, 'Discourses of risk and hope in research on mathematical learning difficulties', Educational Studies in Mathematics, vol. 112, no. 2, pp. 337-357.
Pennacchia, J 2023, 'Exclusionary tactics in English secondary education: an analysis of fair access protocols', Journal of Education Policy.
Matthews, A & Kotzee, B 2022, 'Bundled or unbundled? A multi‐text corpus‐assisted discourse analysis of the relationship between teaching and research in UK universities', British Educational Research Journal, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 578-597.
Millward, C & Martin, J 2022, 'Community comprehensive education: an effective way forward for everyone', Forum: for promoting 3-19 Comprehensive Education, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 159-175.
Allan, J & Omarova, T 2022, 'Disability and inclusion in Kazakhstan', Disability and Society, vol. 37, no. 7, pp. 1067-1084.
Raaper, R, Peruzzo, F & Westander, M 2022, 'Disabled students doing activism: borrowing from and trespassing neoliberal reason in English higher education', Power and Education.
Ireland, A, Pennacchia, J, Watson, C & Bathmaker, A-M 2022, 'How is the role of student governor understood in further education colleges in the UK?', Journal of Further and Higher Education, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 561-573.
Peruzzo, F, Grimaldi, E, Arienzo, A, D’onofrio, G, Franchi, C & Sebastianelli, P 2022, 'New public management reforms and industrial relations in the Italian education system: A cultural political economy approach', Journal of Educational Administration and History.
Chapter (peer-reviewed)
Jørgensen, CR & Allan, J 2022, Free schools, inclusion and social capital of children with special educational needs and disabilities. in C Kulz, K Morrin & R McGinity (eds), Inside the English Education Lab: Critical Qualitative and Ethnographic Perspectives on the Academies Experiment. Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 89-108.
Peruzzo, F 2023, A Certain Kind of Freedom, a Certain Subject of Right: The Disability dispositif of Inclusion and the Government of the Disabled Child in the Italian Education System. in The Routledge International Handbook of Children's Rights and Disability. 1 edn, Routledge.
Allan, J 2022, Disability Studies, Disability Arts and Students' Perspectives: New Critical Tools for Inclusive Education. in B Amrhein & S Naraian (eds), Reading Inclusion Divergently: Articulations from Around the World. International Perspectives on Inclusive Education, vol. 19, Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 63-74.
Allan, J 2022, Foucault and his acolytes: Discourse, power and ethics. in M Murphy (ed.), Social Theory and Education Research: Understanding Foucault, Habermas, Bourdieu and Derrida. 2nd edn, Routledge, pp. 47-64.
Commissioned report
McGimpsey, I, Bowden, H & Sutton, J 2024, Becoming evidence informed about residential care. University of Birmingham. <>
Entry for encyclopedia/dictionary
Migliarini, V, Allan, J, Van Hove , G & De Schauwer , E 2022, Legislation and Policy in Europe. in R Tierney, F Rizvi & K Ercikan (eds), International Encyclopedia of Education. 4th edn, Elsevier, pp. 58-67.
Other report
Green, A, Millward, C & Taylor, A 2022, How can universities, colleges and employers deliver the skills needed for levelling up? University of Birmingham. <>
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