Freedom of speech at the University of Birmingham
The University of Birmingham has a responsibility to promote freedom of speech and academic freedom, and to protect the welfare of staff, students, and visitors. To appropriately balance these responsibilities, procedures for how the University’s approach to freedom of speech operates in practice across the University’s activities, including events with visiting speakers, and in teaching and research settings are set out in the University’s Code of Practice.
The Code of Practice applies to:
- All members, staff and students of the University, and
- Visiting speakers and all other persons invited to speak by the University or by its staff and students.
Further information
The University will shortly be updating its Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech. In the meantime, the procedure for applying for events and activities remains as set out in the current version of the Code.
If you are a student or a member of staff, you can find more information about Freedom of Speech on the University of Birmingham intranet page. This includes guidance on when and how to seek approval for events or activities that need consideration under Freedom of Speech.