Stand up for the Freedom of Religion or Belief

Human Rights Day is observed every year on 10 December. It commemorates the day on which, in 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

a flag lined street

In 1950, the Assembly passed resolution 423 (V), inviting all States and interested organisations to observe 10th December of each year as Human Rights Day.

This year, Human Rights Day 2016 calls on everyone to stand up for someone's rights.  

Human Rights Day 2016 logo

We here at CIFoRB are standing up for all human rights and in particular Article 18; the Freedom of Religion or Belief.

We are running a social media campaign across the Commonwealth and beyond asking everyone to stand up for Article 18 – asking why does it matter? How has Article 18 shaped your life?

Article 18 is one of 30 articles listing our human rights. These human rights are indivisible and universal to all people and, for a lucky number, these rights can be exercised freely. However travel around the world and this is not always the case. We are living in a time when violations of fundamental rights are a global concern. We are witnessing a rise in intolerance and persecution of people for a plethora of reasons including for one’s faith and religious practices and for holding no religious beliefs at all.

This shouldn’t be. As Article 18 states:  Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Please join us and the United Nations with organisations and people around the world in taking a stand for ALL 30 articles of the UN Declaration of Human Rights .

The UN says “We must reaffirm our common humanity. Wherever we are, we can make a real difference. In the street, in school, at work, in public transport; in the voting booth, on social media. The time for this is now. “We the peoples” can take a stand for rights. And together, we can take a stand for more humanity”.

It starts with each of us and CIFoRB is making a stand to defend anyone who is being abused or discriminated against for their faith or their beliefs whether they are of a religious nature or not.

Look out for our social media campaign @ciforb_uob and support us.