Colleges, Schools and Departments In 'Schools and Departments' Schools and DepartmentsCollege of Arts and LawCollege of Engineering and Physical SciencesCollege of Life and Environmental SciencesCollege of Medicine and HealthCollege of Social Sciences Use the A-Z listings in the sections below to find the area of the University you're looking for. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A Accounting [Department] African Studies and Anthropology [Department] Applied Health Sciences [Department] Art History, Curating and Visual Studies [Department] Arts and Law [College] B Biomedical Sciences [Department] Biosciences [School] Birmingham Business School Birmingham Clinical Trials Unit (BCTU) Birmingham Energy Institute Birmingham International Academy (BIA) Birmingham Institute for Quantum Technologies Birmingham Law School [School] Birmingham Medical School [School] C Cancer and Genomic Sciences [Department] Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Unit (CRCTU) Cardiovascular Sciences [Department] Chemical Engineering [School] Chemistry [School] Civil Engineering [Department] Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology [Department] Clinical Immunology Services [Department] Computer Science [School] D Dentistry [School] Disability, Inclusion and Special Needs [Department] Drama and Theatre Arts [Department] E Economics [Department] Education [School] Education and Social Justice [Department] Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering [School] Engineering [School] Engineering and Physical Sciences [College] English Language and Linguistics [Department] English Literature [Department] English, Drama and Creative Studies [School] F Film and Creative Writing [Department] Finance [Department] G Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences [School] Government [School] Graduate School Gravitational Wave Astronomy [Institute] H Healthcare Technologies Institute Health Sciences [School] Health Services Management Centre [Department] History [Department] History and Cultures [School] I Immunology and Immunotherapy [Department] Infection, Inflammation and Immunology [School] Inflammation and Ageing [Department] Interdisciplinary Data Science and AI [Institute] International Development [Department] L Languages, Cultures, Art History and Music [School] Law [School] Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences [School] Life and Environmental Sciences [College] M Management [Department] Marketing [Department] Mathematics [School] Mechanical Engineering [Department] Medicine and Health [College] Medical Sciences [School] Medicine and Health Graduate School Medical School Mental Health [Institute] Metabolism and Systems Science [Department] Metallurgy and Materials [School] Microbes, Infection and Microbiomes [Department] Microbiology and Infection [Institute] Modern Languages [Department] Music [Department] N Nursing and Midwifery [School] P Pharmacy [School] Philosophy [Department] Philosophy, Theology and Religion [School] Physics and Astronomy [School] Political Science and International Studies [Department] Psychology [School] Public Administration and Policy [Department] S Shakespeare Institute Social Policy and Society [School] Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology [Department] Social Sciences [College] Social Work and Social Care [Department] Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences [School] Strategy and International Business [Department] T Teacher Education [Department] Theology and Religion [Department]