Professor Jane McKeating, Deputy Head of the School of Immunity and Infection and Professor of Molecular Virology at the University of Birmingham has been awarded the prestigious Hans Fischer Senior Fellowship. Professor McKeating is one of very few women to have ever been awarded this fellowship which recognises outstanding scientists exploring innovative, high-risk topics. 

Photo of Professor Jane McKeating

Professor Jane McKeating’s research focuses on understanding the mechanism of hepatitis B and C virus entry into the liver and how the virus persists to evade innate and adaptive immune responses. She also set up the Viral Hepatitis group at the University of Birmingham’s Medical School and was instrumental in conducting research at Birmingham into tackling liver transplant failure.

The fellowship, which will last for a minimum of three years, will provide Professor McKeating the opportunity to spend 3 months per year at the University of Munich and to recruit PhD students to work on innovative hepatitis B research projects.

The fellowship is awarded by the Institute for Advanced Study of Technische Universität München (TUM) as part of the ‘TUM Entrepreneurial University’ initiative led by the German federal and state governments and launched in 2006. The scheme was set up to support and develop cutting-edge research, encourage up-and-coming scientists, establish an enlightened gender and diversity policy, and encourage international research at TUM.

  • Find out more about Professor Jane McKeating