Certificates and transcripts

All students graduating from the University of Birmingham Dubai receive a certificate and transcript. Whether graduating in person, or in your absence, the following page answers the most common questions asked by our graduates.

Does everyone receive a certificate and transcript?

Yes, all students graduating from the University of Birmingham will receive a certificate and academic transcript. In the event that on-campus graduation ceremonies cannot take place the award will instead be conferred in absentia by Special Warrant and you will be issued with your certificate and transcript by post.

How will I receive my certificate and transcript?

Students who attend a graduation ceremony will be able to collect their certificate and transcript on campus on their graduation day. Students who have not booked to attend their ceremony (and are due to graduate in absentia) will be sent an email after invitations close, asking them to confirm how they would like to receive their documents.

Those students opting to collect their documents in person without attending a graduation ceremony, will be emailed details of how to collect their documents. To ensure you receive this email please reply to your invitation and choose to graduation in absentia.

When will I receive my documents?

How long it takes for your documents to arrive will depend on whether you provided us with your details as requested.

As a general rule, if you graduate in July and confirm your delivery address with us by the deadline given in your personalised email then you should expect to receive your documents by the end of September at the latest. If you graduate in November and complete the delivery address form on time then you should receive your documents by the end of February at the latest. Please do not chase us for an update on your documents before the lost certificate process opens as this merely causes further delays for the processing team.

Can I change the delivery address for my documents?

You can change the delivery address for your documents until the submission deadline, by resubmitting your personalised reply form. It is not possible to change the delivery address once the submission deadline has passed as your documents will have already been released for processing, so you will then need to wait until we open the lost certificate process.

Lost certificates: I haven't received my documents, what should I do?

If you have provided a delivery address but have not yet received your documents then we ask that you allow enough time for delivery before you report your documents as lost. November graduates will be able to report their documents as lost from 1st March until 31st March. July graduates will be able to report their documents as lost from 1st October until 31st October. 

Report your documents as lost

Can I access a copy of my documents online?

You can view, download and share an electronic copy of your certificate and transcript online via our Secure Documents website three working days after your graduation ceremony has taken place. Current and potential employers can also register with us, allowing them to directly verify your qualifications with us while you wait for the physical copies of your documents to arrive.

I haven't graduated yet, can I get my documents early?

No, this is not possible as your award will not have been made yet.  We can only issue your certificate and transcript once your award has been made.

Can I collect my documents in person?

Students who attend a graduation ceremony will be able to collect their certificate and transcript on campus on their graduation day. Absentia students can also book to collect their documents from campus by indicating so on the response form that will be circulated in due course.

Can I order additional copies of my certificate and transcript?

For information about ordering replacement certificates, please visit the replacement certificates page.