Where there's a Will: A Guide to Planning your Estate

Aston Webb WG33 (next to Bramall Music Building)
Wednesday 23 January 2019 (17:30-18:30)

A free event hosted by Estate Planning Firm, Dunham McCarthy, and the Development & Alumni Relations Office to explain why it is so important to have a properly written will and what you need to think about when writing your own will. The event will cover:

  • Why you need a will and what it should include
  • The pitfalls of not having a well-written will
  • Inheritance tax and ways to mitigate it

You will leave with all the practical advice you need about planning your own estate and an opportunity to have a free will written up by Dunham McCarthy.

There are limited spaces for this event so please do register as soon as possible. We will provide drinks and refreshments, so please do come along and join us for a comprehensive ‘how to’ guide on drawing up your own will and making sure your affairs are in order.