Breakfast Brainstorm - September 2019

Starbucks - Muirhead Tower
Wednesday 25 September 2019 (09:00-11:00)
Brainstorm 500 px

Breakfast Brainstorm is an informal drop-in gathering for everyone at University of Birmingham who has an interest in public engagement with research.

The sessions are open to researchers, professional services, PGRs or anyone who wants to find out more and get involved in public engagement. We meet on the last Wednesday of every month, 9-11am in Starbucks, Muirhead Tower in the upstairs seating section (at the big, oval table). The Brainstorm is an ideal place to soundboard your ideas and receive feedback and practical support from other public engagement enthusiasts. There is no formal agenda, just drop in at any time for as little or long as you like or just to come along and hear what other people are up to.