Happiness Lecture 2012

Great Hall Aston Webb Building Edgbaston Campus
Tuesday 13 March 2012 (18:30-19:30)

Contact: Kylie Morris
Telephone: 0121 414 8782
Email: events@contact.bham.ac.uk

Jung Chang

Jung Chang was born in Sichuan Province, China, in 1952. During the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) she worked as a peasant, a'barefoot' doctor, a steelworker, and an electrician before becoming an English-language student and, later, an assistant lecturer at Sichuan University. She left China for Britain in 1978 and obtained a PhD in linguistics in 1982-the first person from Communist China to recieve a doctorate from a British university.

Jung Chang is the author of the best-selling books Wild Swans-Three Daughters of China, and Mao: The Unknown Story. Both books have been translated into more than 30 languages, and together sold some 15 million copies. Among the many awards she won are the UK Writers' Guild Best Non-Fiction (1992) and Book Of The Year UK (1993). 

Cost: Free of Charge

This event is now fully booked.  If you would like further information on this event, please contact Kylie Morris on the contact details listed above.

The event will be filmed and transmitted online via a live stream.  If you would like to watch the lecture online, you will be able to access the footage by clicking on this link: www.birmingham.ac.uk/oncampus/baggs/index.aspx