TEDx volunteer Marketing and Operations Assistant Application form

Tuesday 4 March (17:00) - Friday 14 March 2014 (23:59)




TEDx volunteer Marketing and Operations assistant

What is TEDx?

TEDx was created in the spirit of TED's mission, "ideas worth spreading." The program is designed to give communities, organizations and individuals the opportunity to stimulate dialogue through TED-like experiences at the local level. At TEDx events, a screening of TED Talks videos -- or a combination of live presenters and TED Talks videos -- sparks deep conversation and connections. TEDx events are fully planned and coordinated independently, on a community-by-community basis.

TEDx University of Birmingham

After seeing the great work other prestigious UK universities have achieved holding TEDx events, the university has applied and been approved its first TEDx license, enabling it to hold an event on May 28th 2014. Six speakers from a diverse range of academic backgrounds have already been selected for this event in accordance with the chosen theme, Throwing Caution to the Wind.

Voluntary Role Description

The project organiser for TEDx University of Birmingham, is looking for 5 enthusiastic and flexible volunteers to help him with Marketing and Operations activities leading up to and on the day of the event. Furthermore, if you are competent and successful in your role as an assistant you could be placing yourself in a strong position to be a TEDx coordinator for future TEDx events.

First and foremost you will be a student

We understand that asking for your time and commitment leading up to, and in the exam term, is not ideal. Due to a number of reasons we had to aim to get the first event rolled out during this period.

However, the role is flexible and in any case your studies should come first and foremost. As long as we can expect your commitment of 2-3 hours a week leading up to the week of the event I would not let the possibility of an exam on the day of the event dissuade you from applying, since we would not make any demands of you if that happens to be the case.  


If this opportunity is something you are interested in please complete a supporting statement on the application form provided below and email to TEDx@contacts.bham.ac.uk before midnight on Friday 14th March. 

TEDx Volunteer Job Description and Application Form