Printed books at the Cadbury Research Library In 'LGBTQ resources' LGBTQ resourcesArchives: personal and family papersArchives: organisations, and the University of BirminghamPrinted books at the Cadbury Research LibraryRecent suggestions and acquisitons Back to 'Subject guides' Auden, W. H. (Wystan Hugh), 1907-1973Poems (including “This lunar beauty”)London: Faber & Faber, 1930Cadbury Research Library PR 6001.U34 Auden, W. H. Another time: poems (‘Funeral blues’ (‘Stop all the clocks’) and 'Lay your sleeping head, my love' were first collected in this publication London: Faber & Faber, 1940 Cadbury Research Library PR 6001.U34We hold many other books by Auden. See our book catalogue for details. We also hold a handwritten poem by Auden, written to Michael, lodged in the book ‘Ding Dong Bell’ by Walter de la Mare. London: Selwyn and Blount, 1924. Cadbury Research Library PR6007.E4D5 Barnes, Djuna, 1892-1982Ladies almanack: shewing their signs and their tides; their moons and their changes; the seasons as it is with them; their eclipses and equinoxes; as well as a full record of diurnal and nocturnal distempers / written & illustrated by a lady of fashion.Paris: printed for the author, and sold by Edward W. Titus, 1928Cadbury Research Library p PS 3503.A6 Beardsley, Aubrey (Ed), former editor of The Yellow BookThe SavoyLondon: Leonard Smithers No. 1-8, 1896Cadbury Research Library q AP 4.S2 Belot, Adolphe, 1829-1890Mademoiselle Giraud: my wife (translated from the French by A.D. Introduction by Emile Zola)Chicago, Laird & Lee, 1891Cadbury Research Library PQ 2193.B4 Carpenter, Edward, 1844-1929Days with Walt Whitman: with some notes on his life and workLondon: George Allen..., 1906Cadbury Research Library PS 3231.C2-1906 Carpenter, Edward, 1844-1929Love's coming-of-age: a series of papers on the relations of the sexesManchester: Labour Press, 1896Cadbury Research Library HQ 31.C37 Carpenter, Edward, 1844-1929 The intermediate sex: a study of some transitional types of men and womenLondon: Manchester: Swan Sonnenschein ; S. Clarke, 1909Cadbury Research Library HQ 75.15.C37 Carpenter, Edward, 1844-1929The story of Eros & Psyche (retold from Apuleius): together with some early versesLondon: G. Allen and Unwin, 1923Cadbury Research Library PR 4451.S76-1923 Cather, Willa, 1873-1947My AntoniaBoston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1918Cadbury Research Library PS 3505.A7 Colette, 1873-1954La fin de Chéri / 30 bois originaux de Constant Le BretonLanguage: FrenchParis: Arthème Fayard & Cie, 1929Cadbury Research Library PQ 2605.O35 Colette, 1873-1954Sept dialogues de bêtes / Colette Willy; illustrés de quatre-vingt-dix dessins de Jacques Nam; préface de Francis JammesAlternative title: Dialogues de bêtesLanguage: FrenchParis: Mercure de France, 1921Cadbury Research Library PQ 2605.O35S4 Coward, Noël, 1899-1973The letters of Noël Coward (edited by Barry Day)London: Methuen Drama, 2007Cadbury Research Library, Coward Collection PR6005.O8Z48-2007 Coward, Noël, 1899-1973The Noël Coward diaries (edited by Graham Payn and Sheridan Morley)London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1982Cadbury Research Library, Coward Collection PR 6005.O8Z46-1982 Custance, Olive, 1874-1944 (Lady Alfred Douglas)OpalsLondon: J. Lane, 1897Cadbury Research Library PR 4525.C8O63 Custance, Olive, 1874-1944 (Lady Alfred Douglas)RainbowsLondon: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1902Cadbury Research Library PR 4525.C8R35 Custance, Olive, 1874-1944 (Lady Alfred Douglas)The inn of dreamsLondon: New York: John Lane, the Bodley Head; John Lane Co., 1911Cadbury Research Library PR 4525.C8I66 Egan, Beresford, 1905-1984The sink of solitude: being a series of satirical drawings occasioned by some recent events / performed by Beresford Egan; to which is added a preface by P. R. StephensenLondon: Hermes Press, 1928Cadbury Research Library p q PR 6015.A408 Ellis, Havelock, 1859-1939Das konträre Geschlechtsgefühl von Havelock Ellis und J.A. SymondsLanguage: GermanLeipzig: Georg H. Wigand, 1896Cadbury Research Library Havelock Ellis Collection HQ 71.E44 Ellis, Havelock, 1859-1939Studies in the psychology of sex: Vol. 1, Sexual inversionLondon: University Press, 1897Cadbury Research Library Havelock Ellis Collection HQ 21.E44 Field, Michael [Katharine Bradley and Edith Cooper]Sight and SongLondon: Elkin Mathews and John Lane, 1892"Four hundred copies of this edition printed"Cadbury Research Library PR 4699.F5 Forster, E. M. (Edward Morgan), 1879-1970Maurice: a novelLondon: Edward Arnold, 1971Cadbury Research Library PR 6011.O58M38(See also letter by E. M. Forster: CFGM/4/6/3) Genet, Jean, 1910-1986Journal du voleurLanguage: French[Paris] Gallimard, 1949Cadbury Research Library PQ 2613.E545 Genet, Jean, 1910-1986The thief's journal; translated by Bernard FrechtmanLondon: Anthony Blond, 1965Cadbury Research Library PQ 2613.E545 Guilleragues, Gabriel Joseph de Lavergne, vicomte de, 1628-1685The letters of a Portuguese nun (Marianna Alcoforado) translated by Edgar PrestageLanguage: English, FrenchLondon: David Nutt, 1893With appendix (English verse translation, published anonymously, London, 1713)"Large paper edition. Fifty copies printed on Dutch handmade paper" Cadbury Research Library PQ 9191.A5A1 Hirschfeld, Magnus (1868-1935) Sexual anomalies and perversions, : physical and psychological development and treatment : a summary of the works of the late professor Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld : compiled as a humble memorial by his pupils : a textbook for students, psychologists, criminologists, probation officers, judges, and educationists. London : F. Aldor [1936]Cadbury Research Library: HQ71.H5 Hirschfeld, Magnus (1868-1935) Sittengeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts. [Bd 1-3], published c1966-1968 Cadbury Research Library: q DD235 Housman, A. E. (Alfred Edward)A Shropshire LadLondon: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1896Cadbury Research Library: PR 4809.H15S4 Housman, A. E. (Alfred Edward)The collected poems of A. E. HousmanLondon: Cape, 1939Cadbury Research Library: PR 4809.H15A17 Housman, LaurenceEcho de Paris: a study from lifeLondon: J. Cape, 1923Cadbury Research Library: PR 4809.H18E24 Housman, LaurenceGreen ArrasLondon: John Lane at the Bodley Head, 1896Cadbury Research Library: PR 4809.H18G74 Housman, LaurenceThe immoral effects of ignorance in sex relations[London: Women's Freedom League, 1911]Cadbury Research Library: p HQ31.H68We hold numerous other works by Laurence Housman. See book catalogue for details Johnston, John, and Wallace, J.W.Visits to Walt Whitman in 1890-1891 by two Lancashire friends, J. Johnston and J.W. Wallace with twenty illustrationsLondon: Allen & Unwin, 1917Cadbury Research Library PS 3238 Kerouac, Jack, 1922-1969The subterraneansLondon: A. Deutsch, 1960, c1958Cadbury Research Library PS 3521.E7 Lawrence, T. E. (Thomas Edward), 1888-1935Seven pillars of wisdom: a triumphLondon: Johnathan Cape, 1935Cadbury Research Library q D 568.4.L2 Loti, Pierre, 1850-1923Madame Chrysantheme / (illustre de 30 bois originaux de A. Roubille)Paris: Marpon & cie., 1921Cadbury Research Library PQ 2339.M2 Mann, Thomas, 1875-1955Tristan: sechs Novellen (containing Der Weg zum Friedhof -- Tristan -- Der Kleiderschrank -- Luischen -- Gladius Dei -- Tonio Kröger)Language: GermanBerlin: S. Fischer, 1903Cadbury Research Library PT 2625.A6 Pitter, Ruth, 1897-1992UraniaLondon: Cresset Press, 1950Cadbury Research Library PR 6031.I7 Purdy, JamesEustance Chrisholm and the works New York: Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, 1967 Cadbury Research Library PS 3531.U7 Purdy, JamesMalcolmNew York: Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, 1959Cadbury Research Library PS 3531.U7 Radclyffe Hall, Marguerite, 1880-1943Poems of the past & presentLondon: Chapman and Hall, 1910Cadbury Research Library PR 6015.A408 P64 Radclyffe Hall, Marguerite: News cuttings dated 1928 re her book ‘The Well of Loneliness’. Cadbury Research Library ff PR6015.A33W3 Sackville-West, Vita, 1892-1962; Nicolson, Nigel, 1917-2004Portrait of a marriageLondon: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1973Cadbury Research Library PR 6037.A15 SapphoA fragment of an ode of Sappho from Longinus; also, an ode of Sappho from Dionysius Halicarn edited by Francis Henry EgertonLanguage: Multiple languages; Greek; Latin; English; French[Paris: privately printed by J.M. Eberhart, 1815]Cadbury Research Library p PA 4408.A2-1815 Sewell, Brocard, 1912-2000In the Dorian mode: a life of John Gray 1866-1934Padstow: Tabb House, 1983Cadbury Research Library PR 6013.R203 Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616Sonnets Decorated by Charles RickettsLondon: Hacon & Ricketts, 1903Cadbury Research Library PR 2753.V2 Sturgeon, MaryMichael FieldLondon: George G. Harrap & Co., 1922Cadbury Research Library PR 4699.P5 Symonds, John Addington, 1840-1893A problem in modern ethics: being an inquiry into the phenomenon of sexual inversion, addressed especially to medical psychologists and jurists London: [s.n.], 1896Cadbury Research Library HQ 76.S9 Symonds, John Addington, 1840-1893In the key of blue and other prose essaysLondon: Elkin Mathews & John Lane, 1893"Fifty copies of this large paper edition printed…”Cadbury Research Library PR 5522.I6-1893 Symonds, John Addington, 1840-1893Walt Whitman: a studyLondon: G. Routledge & Sons, 1893Cadbury Research Library PS 3231 [Unknown]The SketchSingle page from The Sketch, 1 December 1897, containing book reviews of Opals (Custance); Marriage customs in many lands (Hutchinson); Medals and decorations of the British arms (Mayo)London : s.n., 1897Cadbury Research Library p q Z 1003.5.G7O63 Whitman, Walt, 1819-1892Leaves of grassWashington : [s.n.], 1872Cadbury Research Library PS 3201 Whitman, Walt, 1819-1892Leaves of grass: including a facsimile autobiography, variorum readings of the poems and a department of Gathered leavesPhiladelphia: David McKay, 1900Cadbury Research Library PS 3201 Whitman, Walt, 1819-1892Specimen days in America; revised by the author, with fresh prefaceLondon: Walter Scott..., 1887Cadbury Research Library PS 3220.A1-1887 Wilde, Oscar, 1854-1900Salome: a tragedy in one act translated from the French of Oscar Wilde; with sixteen drawings by Aubrey BeardsleyLondon: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1930Cadbury Research Library PR 5820.S2 Wilde, Oscar, 1854-1900 The ballad of Reading Gaol by C.3.3. [Oscar Wilde] London: Leonard Smithers, 1899 Cadbury Research Library PR 5817 Wilde, Oscar, 1854-1900The portrait of Mr. W.H.[S.l.] : Privately printed, [1889]"Of this work, 200 copies only have been printed ...."Cadbury Research Library PR 5819.P6 Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941Orlando: a biographyLondon: L. and V. Woolf at the Hogarth Press, 1928Cadbury Research Library PR6045.O75O7 The Yellow Book: An Illustrated QuarterlyVol.1-13, 1894-1897 London: Elkin Mathews & John LaneCadbury Research Library AP 4.Y4