Driving innovation through partnerships: spinouts, consultancy and IP

We pride ourselves on our innovation outcomes. Organisations across all sectors can accelerate the translation of ideas into tangible goods and services when they include leading thinkers and doers in the process. At the University of Birmingham, businesses come to us to access the intellectual property, know-how and expertise embedded in our research community, through consultancy with our academics or collaborative research. These interactions are truly two-way, supported by dedicated account management teams, many drawn from industry ensuring businesses develop cutting-edge products and services and that our academic research continues to be informed by real-world needs.

Academic Consultancy

Making the expertise and knowledge of our academics available to industry, non-profit organisations, public sector organisations and governments.


We welcome approaches from senior managers looking for executive or non-executive positions, and from investors who want to keep in touch with existing or emerging spinouts.

Intellectual Property

Find out about our technologies that are available for commercial development and their applications.

MICRA Gateway

We are part of the Midlands Innovation group of universities building a spin-out and start-up ecosystem to significantly increase the innovation productivity of the region. Note: MICRA grant funding is now closed.

Birmingham Research Park

Birmingham Research Park provides secure, high-quality office space, conference facilities and virtual tenancies, in a community of research-led companies.

About University of Birmingham Enterprise

An end-to-end service for academic innovators, including practical and financial support for proof of concept studies and market research, training, incubation services and facilities.

Front cover of the UoB Enterprise Annual Review for 2022-23, showing a wind farm, a baby having a health check and a person using a mobile phone.Find out what we did in 2022-23

Download our Annual Review [pdf 3.19MB]

Our commercial impact can be tracked by the number of products and services built or enhanced by our academic expertise and the number of companies we establish and help to grow. But our true impact is much greater when we consider the gravity of the societal issues our academics and companies are tackling. Our Annual Review presents some of the stories we are most proud of across our portfolio of support. Download accessible text-only version of the 2022-23 Annual Review [doc 93KB]

Also in 'University of Birmingham Enterprise'