Short course

Advanced Clinical Decision Making

This course is designed to improve your knowledge and abilities in conducting physical health assessments for patients in your specialised clinical field. It includes various teaching methods such as lectures, workshops and e-learning which are designed to help you apply your learning in real-world clinical settings.

Postgraduate Microcredential
20 credits


This short course aims to develop the student’s knowledge and skills in relation to the physical health assessment of patients specific to the student’s specialist area of clinical practice. At the end of the course the student will have advanced their practice in performing a problem-focused, age appropriate health assessment. The course will combine lectures, workshops, seminars, and e-learning and Kura cloud) based on clinical practice that is designed in a way to enhance application of learning to the clinical environment.

Pre-requisite course: Level 7 Advanced Health Assessment module 

Module lead

Lois Houlders -

Attendance required

Over 1 semester – you will attend university twice a month

Method of teaching

This short course will combine lectures, workshops, seminars, and e-learning and Kura cloud) based on clinical practice that is designed in a way to enhance application of learning to the clinical environment.


  • Oral PowerPoint presentation on a patient case: Presentation of a your chosen patient case study. The title is A reflective case analysis of your advanced clinical assessment and decision making (100% of course mark). The presentation should:
      1. Demonstrate an ability to identify, evaluate and utilise research evidence to inform health assessment
      2. Demonstrate knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology of the common disorders or diseases associated in your specialist area of practice
      3. Demonstrate safe and appropriate judgement and clinical decision making incorporating the appropriate assessment skills, interpretation of correctly ordered diagnostic tests and investigations
      4. Demonstrate awareness of professional, legal and ethical issues including consent in complex cases
      5. Critically appraise issues around public health, epidemiology, health promotion and health policy (presentation)
      6. Be clear, concise and be presented in its entirety in 15 minutes using Power Point or similar software
      7. Encourage 5 minutes of discussion
      8. Be fully referenced using professional sources in the Harvard Format

The presentation will be assessed by academic staff however students will be encouraged to be in attendance for all the presentations. Assessment is at Masters Level (7)

Stand-alone course

Advanced Clinical Decision Making  is a core module on MSc Advanced Clinical Practice and can be counted at a later date.

Entry requirements

Professional qualification in healthcare; must have completed a Level 7 Advanced Health Assessment module first.

For queries please contact:
Programme Administrator
Tel: +44121 414 6014