Degree Programmes and Courses
Choosing a University is an important decision. When making your choice you’ll be weighing up different degree courses, locations, entry criteria and employment prospects. You’ll be looking at every possible outcome, good and bad, and understanding that if you choose one direction it will be at the expense of a different one. Once you have done all that, you’ll make an informed decision and that is an example of economics.
Joint Honours programmes:
The Department of Economics offers a PhD Programme fully accredited by the Economic and Social Research Council. Staff are able to supervise PhD students in all the main areas of Economics.
Responsible for your learning
Economics is important, it means passing on our state-of-the-art knowledge to the next generation as part of our responsibility to the profession and to you. Our responsibility is to help teach you to communicate what you have learnt and how it can be applied … to prospective employers, to your parents, to all the people who benefit from the making of informed decisions.
Within Economics at Birmingham, knowledge and research are not ends in themselves. It is about how they can be applied for maximum benefit in areas such as environment, energy, charity, philanthropy, public policy, society and finance.
Responsible for your career prospects
As a graduate of Birmingham Business School and a Russell Group University, you are an attractive prospect to employers, of which there is an impressive pool within Birmingham itself: for example, ONS, Price Waterhouse Coopers, Bank of England, KPMG, Ernst and Young, etc.
Economics also gives you a wealth of transferrable skills that will be desirable if you decide to go on to work in a different field: from strategic, logical thinking to clear communication.
The Careers in Business team at Birmingham Business School
Responsible for your wellbeing
As part of the Birmingham Business School, you will be supported to achieve your best and that includes all aspect of your wellbeing.
This includes making sure you have access to our extensive welfare services, mentoring programmes, student societies, including the Economics Society, and more. You will be part of a warm and extensive community in a vibrant city, building personal and professional relationships to last a lifetime.