Previous events in the Department of Economics 2025 6th February - Reflections on the UK Economy following a Polycrisis 2024 16th October - The Great British Housing Disaster13th March - The Inequality Revolution in Macroeconomics 2023 13th-14th December - 1st Climate Change, Urban Challenges, Renewable Energy, and Extreme Events Conference (CRUEE)27th September - 27 September 2023 - Alan Walters Lecture: Yana Petrova3rd May - 3 May 2023 - Alan Walters Lecture: Basit Zafar26th April - 26 April 2023 - Alan Walters Lecture: Benn Jann19th April - 19 April 2023 - Alan Walters Lecture: Oliver Linton23rd March - 23 March 2023 - Alan Walters Lecture: Deborah Gefang22nd March - 22 March 2023 - Alan Walters Lecture: Laura Bakkensen15th March - 15 March 2023 - Alan Walters Lecture: Jennifer Alix-Garcia8th March - 8 March 2023 - Alan Walters Lecture: Michael Weber1st March - 1 March 2023 - Alan Walters Lecture: Banu Demir Pakel27th February - 27 February 2023 - Alan Walters Lecture: Nick Crafts14th February - 14 February 2023 - Alan Walters Lecture: Maragarita Rubio 2022 7th December - External Seminar: Jagjit Chadha (NIESR)30th November - External Seminar: Elisabeth Falk (Bundesbank)23rd November - External Seminar: Hashem Pesaran (University of Southern California)9th November - External Seminar: Matthew Kahn (University of Southern California)3rd November - GREADS Seminar: Esfandiar Maasoumi (Emory University)2nd November - External Seminar: Colette Bowe (Bank of England - External Member FPC)1st November - (CANCELLED) External Seminar: David Levine (European University Institute)26th October - External Seminar: Ellen Muir (Harvard University)19th October - External Seminar: Aldo Rustichini (University of Minnesota)12th October - External Seminar: Carol Propper (Imperial College London)6th October - External Seminar: John List (University of Chicago)28th September - External Seminar: Alessandro Citanna New York University - Abu Dhabi21st September - On the Effects of Monetary Policy Shocks on Earnings and Consumption Heterogeneity6th-7th June - Workshop - University of Birmingham (UoB) – Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam Big Data and Economics Research Network (BVRN)27th May - Private Provision of Public Goods: the Case of the UK Security Sector13th May - Simulations on the impact on individuals of USS pension reforms5th May - GREADS Seminar: Jesus Otero (Universidad del Rosario)4th May - External Seminar: Barbara Rossi (University of Pompeu Fabra)27th April - External Seminar: Betsey Stevenson (University of Michigan)5th April - Peter Sinclair Townhall Lecture: Professor Joseph Stiglitz (Columbia University)30th March - External Seminar: Sangeeta Pratap (City University of New York)23rd March - External Seminar: Barbara Rossi (Universitat Pompeu Fabra / Barcelona School of Economics)22nd March - Macro and Finance Seminar: Pedro Bordalo (Oxford University)17th March - GREADS Seminar: Christopher Baum (Boston College)16th March - GREADS Seminar: Lorenzo Trapani (University of Nottingham)16th March - External Seminar: Rod Garrat (UC Santa Barbara)15th March - Macro and Finance Seminar: Caroline Flammer (Boston University)9th March - External Seminar: David Colander (Middlebury College)2nd March - External Seminar: Mary Amiti (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)1st March - Macro and Finance Seminar: Andreas Fuster (Swiss Finance Institute)24th February - GREADS Seminar: Laetitia Lepetit (Université de Limoges)23rd February - External Seminar: Wei Xiong (Princeton/Cambridge University)17th February - GREADS Seminar: Tomas Del Barrio Castro (The University of the Balearic Islands)16th February - External Seminar: Jacquelyn Pless (MIT)15th February - Macro and Finance Seminar: Martin Ellison (Oxford University)9th February - External Seminar: Anya Samek (UC San Diego)8th February - Macro and Finance Seminar: David Aikman (KCL)3rd February - GREADS Seminar: Nicolas Van de Sijpe (University of Sheffield)3rd February - TEDE Seminar: Thomas Sampson (LSE)2nd February - External Seminar: Johannes Boehm (Sciences Po)27th January - TEDE Seminar: Matthew Ives (Oxford University) 2021 15th December - External Seminar: Sevgi Yuksel (UC Santa Barbara)8th December - External Seminar: Xiaojian Zhao (Monash University)2nd December - GREADS Seminar: John Muellbauer (University of Oxford)2nd December - TEDE Seminar: Jie Bai (Associated Editor: JDE)1st December - ERiE Seminar: Martin Scheffel (University of Bonn)1st December - External Seminar: Theresa Kuchler (New York University)25th November - GREADS Seminar: Joakim Westerlund (Lund University)25th November - TEDE Seminar: Sanchayan Banerjee (LSE)24th November - External Seminar: Robert Mendelsohn (Yale University)18th November - GREADS Seminar: Vasilis Sarafidis (BI Norwegian School of Economics)18th November - TEDE Seminar: Ludovica Gazze (Warwick University)10th November - External Seminar: Juan Dolado (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)4th November - Macro and Finance Seminar: Carola Binder (Haverford College)4th November - TEDE Seminar: Hans Koster (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)3rd November - External Seminar: Ruixue Jia (UC San Diego)28th October - GREADS Seminar: Violeta Dalla (University of Athens)27th October - External Seminar: Marta Serra-Garcia (UC San Diego)20th October - Peter Sinclair Townhall Lecture: Charles Goodhart (London School of Economics)13th October - Maxwell Fry Lecture: Alec Chrystal (Bayes Business School)12th October - Macro and Finance Seminar: Kenza Benhima (HEC-Lausanne)5th October - External Seminar: Yueran Ma (Chicago Booth)20th July - Workshop on the Economic Response to Covid-192nd June - External Seminar Series: Leonardo Melosi (Federal Reserve Bank, Chicago)27th May - GREADS Seminar Series: Markus Eberhardt (University of Nottingham)19th May - External Seminar Series: Nicolai Kuminoff (Arizona State University)12th May - External Seminar Series: Robin Lumsdaine (American University, DC)11th May - Macro and Finance Seminar: Matteo Iacoviello (US Federal Reserve Board)28th April - External Seminar Series: Jennifer Doleac (Texas A&M University)27th April - Macro and Finance Seminar: Lemma Senbet (University of Maryland)21st April - External Seminar Series: Tatyana Deryugina (University of Illinois U-C)20th April - Macro and Finance Seminar: Tony Cookson (University of Colorado, Boulder)26th March - Macro and Finance Seminar: Alberto Cavallo (Havard Business School)24th March - Peter Sinclair Town Hall: Rachel Griffith (IFS/ Uni of Manchester)18th March - The role of schools in SARS-CoV-2 transmission11th March - Firm-level Risk Exposures and Stock Returns in the Wake of COVID-1910th March - External Seminar Series: Yuriy Gorodnichenko (UC - Berkeley)9th March - Macro and Finance Seminar: Alminas Zaldokas (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)3rd March - External Seminar Series: Utku Unver (Boston College)11th February - Empirical Framework with Repeated Games with Random States9th February - Macro and Finance Seminar: Federico Di Pace (Bank of England)2nd February - Macro and Finance Seminar: Liyan Hong (Boston College)28th January - Birmingham Econometrics Research Group (BERG) Seminar: Shixuan Wang27th January - Transport Infrastructure Improvements and Spatial Sorting: Evidence from Buenos Aires26th January - Endogenous Growth with Employee Spinouts, Noncompetes and Creative Destruction21st January - Birmingham Econometrics Research Group (BERG) Seminar: Jan Ditzen19th January - A Trade Model of the Banking Sector14th January - Birmingham Econometrics Research Group (BERG) Seminar: Ovidijus Stauskas 2020 3rd December - What moves treasury yields?24th November - Does mining fuel bubbles? An experimental study on cryptocurrency markets (with Marco Lambrecht and Yilong Xu)17th November - Behavioural, Experimental & Data Science Network (BEADS) Seminar11th November - 'What does it mean to 'build back better' and how will we do it?' with Diane Coyle4th November - The Grandkids Aren't Alright: The Intergenerational Effects of Pollution Exposure14th October - How to make the world add up: Tim Harford discusses the pitfalls and the cognitive tools we can use to think clearly about the economy.7th October - Measuring trends and persistence in capital and labor misallocation20th May - Behavioural, Experimental & Data Science Network (BEADS) Seminar6th-27th May - Macroeconomics and Finance Research Group Seminar May29th April - Trade, Environment, Development and Energy (TEDE) Research Group Seminar11th March - Microeconomics Research Seminar4th March - Macroeconomics and Finance Research Group Seminar12th February - Macroeconomics and Finance Research Group Seminar22nd January - Trade, Environment, Development and Energy (TEDE) Research Seminar