Professor Agnieszka (Aggie) Chidlow

Professor Agnieszka (Aggie) Chidlow

The Department of Strategy and International Business
Former Secondee to PRME for Research and Working Groups
Working Board Member of RRBM
Responsible Management Research and Education Lead – BAM IB/IM-SIG

Contact details

University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

As a Chair (Full Professor) in International Business, Agnieszka is widely recognised as a prominent capacity builder for impactful initiatives and an esteemed advocate for knowledge exchange and engagement in the realm of responsible management education. 

This recognition stems from her leadership in developing and leading strategic initiatives both nationally and internationally, as well as fostering strategic partnerships to advance responsible management education. For instance, in 2016, she founded the Annual Strategy & International Business Symposium, followed by the Responsible Research Methods Symposium in 2019, both held at the Department of Strategy & International Business at Birmingham Business School. Additionally, in 2016, she co-founded the Academy of International Business (AIB) Research Methods–Shared Interest Group (RM-SIG) within the Academy of International Business (AIB). In 2020, she established the Responsible Research in Business and Management on Tour (RRBM on Tour) symposium under the auspices of the Responsible Research in Business and Management (RRBM) global network. Her commitment to advocating responsible management education is also evident through her role as an international advisory board member at Woxsen University (India), the Consortium for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis (CARMA), and as one of the co-founding members of the Academy of International Business Research Methods-Shared Interest Group (AIB RM-SIG). 

Furthermore, Agnieszka served as a secondee to the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), an initiative of the UN Global Compact based in New York (USA), for research and PRME Working Groups between 2023-2024. Prior to her secondment, she was a member of the Senior Management Team at Birmingham Business School and the first female Head of the Department of Strategy and International Business before assuming other institutional leadership roles. 

In addition to her role as Chair, Agnieszka is actively engaged in various capacities within academia and accreditation. She serves as an active accreditation accessor for the Accreditation of MBAs and BGA (AMBA/BGA) collaborates with the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) and holds a position as a working board member of the Responsible Research in Business and Management (RRBM) global network. She also serves as a Senior Editor of the International Business Review and is a member of several editorial boards of internationally recognised journals. Additionally, she contributes as a frequent reviewer for leading international business and management journals, annual meetings of leading academic associations, and various funding bodies. 

Agnieszka’s research expertise lies in examining the internationalization processes and location strategies of firms, with a specific focus on sustainable development goals that lead to societal impact. She is also proficient in methodological issues, particularly focusing on the use of responsible methods in international business and management scholarship and practice. By blending theoretical lenses and business models from an interdisciplinary perspective, she assists businesses, governmental organisations, charities, policymakers, and individuals in better understanding how to optimise decisions using rigorous, trustworthy data and analytics to achieve higher returns and socially responsible outcomes. Her data-driven work has been published in highly impactful and leading academic journals in her discipline, which has not only garnered outstanding recognition but also positioned her as a preeminent authority in her discipline on a global scale.


  • PhD (International Business): Staffordshire University (UK)
  • MSc (Management and Marketing - Distinction): University of Szczecin (Poland)
  • Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education (PgCHE): Staffordshire University (UK)


Agnieszka’s specialist teaching is in the areas of international business, strategy and research methodology to undergraduate, postgraduate and executive students across different programmes.  

She has successfully supervised, taught, and examined numerous PhD students and has served as an external examiner at several universities in the UK and overseas. 

With pedagogical experience in multiple countries (e.g., Poland, USA, UK, Singapore, and Dubai) and a deep commitment to high-quality teaching and supervision spanning over two decades, she has gained broad pedagogical expertise and a strong understanding of the challenges Higher Education faces in delivering responsible management education across different national contexts. 

She is an active accreditation assessor for the Association of MBAs (AMBA) and a former secondee to Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), an initiative of the United Nations Global Compact. Following her secondment experience with PRME, she is developing innovative pedagogical approaches in her teaching by implementing PRME’s Impactful Five (i5) framework as part of her commitment to responsible management education. 

Postgraduate supervision

Agnieszka has successfully supervised several PhD students to completion. She is interested in supervising doctoral research students in the following areas:

  • Internationalisation strategies of firms from/to emerging economies.
  • Location choices of firms with a focus on a sub-national level.
  • Determinants of re-location strategies for sustainable global value chains.
  • Digital globalisation and multinational firms.
  • The role of multinational companies for world sustainable development agenda.
  • Social justice and diversity strategies of firms. 
  • The impact of terrorist incidents and/or resilience on location choices of firms.
  • Language and multi-linguistic challenges in internationalisation strategies of firms.
  • Methodological issues in cross-country research.
  • Ethical and governance data issues in cross-country research.
  • The role and impact of big data/AI on data collection and decision making.

If you are interested in studying any of these subject areas please contact Aggie on the contact details above, or for any general doctoral research enquiries, please email:  

For a full list of available Doctoral Research opportunities, please visit our Doctoral Research programme.


Agnieszka is an internationally recognised and respected scholar focused on the internationalisation processes and location strategies of firms in relation to the 17th United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that lead to societal impact. She also addresses methodological issues in cross-country and cross-language research. Her interdisciplinary work combines insights from international business, economic geography, management, strategy, and data analytics to help businesses, policymakers, and organisations make optimised, data-driven decisions for better returns and socially responsible outcomes.

Her research on the internationalisation of firms and methodological aspects of cross-country and cross-language studies has been widely published in leading academic journals in the business and management field. She has published extensively in top-tier ABS 4*/3* journals and is renowned for her expertise in applying rigorous and trustworthy methodologies to address complex business challenges. Her scholarly work has earned her numerous prestigious awards. As an invited professor and speaker in the USA, Europe, and Asia, she actively promotes responsible research with societal relevance.

In the REF21 assessment, her submitted outputs were ranked 4*, recognised as world-leading in originality, significance, and rigor. Her work placed her among the top three staff members in the Department of Strategy & International Business, with four or more outputs submitted for REF21. Several knowledge exchange activities she led during this period were also included in the institutional environment submission.

Agnieszka's leadership and active engagement in responsible management education and key research initiatives have cemented her role as a prominent figure in the higher education ecosystem.

Other activities

  • Senior Editor/International Business Review (IBR)
  • Editorial Review Board /(eg.) Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS), Journal of World Business (JWB), Economic Thought and Practice (EMIP) ect., 
  • Former Secondee for Research & Working Groups/ Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), an initiative of the United Nations Global Compact
  • Co-Organiser/ Steering Committee Member/ 2025 Principles for Responsible Management Education Global Forum (PRME GF), an initiative of the United Nations Global Compact
  • Former Co-Organiser/  Steering Committee Member/ 2024 Principles for Responsible Management Education Global Forum (PRME GF), an initiative of the United Nations Global Compact
  • Working Board Member/Responsible Research in Business & Management (RRBM) Global Network, an initiative of the European Foundation of Management Development (EFMD)
  • Co-Organiser/ Steering Committee Member/ Responsible Research in Business & Management Responsible Research Summit (RRBM RRS)
  • Founder/ Responsible Research in Business & Management on Tour Symposium (RRBM on Tour Symposium)
  • Assessor & Peer Review Panel Member/Association of MBAs (AMBAs/BGA)
  • Co-Founder/Academy of International Business Research Methods - Shared Interest Group (AIB RM-SIG)
  • Lead/Responsible Management Research & Education/ British Academy of Management IB/IM - Shared Interest Group (BAM IB/IM SIG
  • International Advisory Board Member/Consortium for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis (CARMA)
  • International Advisory Board Member/ Qual +| Aalto University (Finland) (Qual+)
  • International Advisory Board Member/Woxsen University (India)
  • Founder/ Annual Responsible Research Methods Symposium/ Department of Strategy and International Business (SIB)
  • Founder/ Annual Strategy and International Business Symposium/ Department of Strategy and International Business (SIB)
  • Co-Chair/ 45th Academy of International Business - UK & Ireland Chapter conference (AIB UK&I)


Highlight publications

Pegoraro, D, Chidlow, A & De Propris, L 2025, 'Exploring factors influencing manufacturing home-shoring strategies: Insights from three diverse geographical regions', Journal of International Business Policy.

Chidlow, A, Antonacopoulou, EP, Reibstein , DJ & Steingard , D 2025, 'Building Impact Through Strategic Unity: Business Schools’ Responsibility to the Common Good', The Global Focus.

Gajbhjye, S, Marin-Cadavid, C & Chidlow, A 2025, Leveraging SDG 4 and SDG 5: Digital Knowledge Transfer by MNEs for Marginalised Communities in India’s Emerging Economy. in The Elgar Companion to International Business and the Sustainable Development Goals. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

Stojcic, N & Chidlow, A 2024, 'The impact of digital and non-digital knowledge search channels on innovation failure in constrained learning environments', Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol. 209, no. 8.

Aguzzoli, R, Lengler, J, Miller, SR & Chidlow, A 2024, 'Paradigms in Qualitative IB Research: Trends, Analysis and Recommendations', Management International Review.

Recent publications


Knight, G, Chidlow, A & Minbaeva, D 2022, 'Methodological fit for empirical research in international business: a contingency framework', Journal of International Business Studies, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 39–52.

Greene, WH, Chidlow, A & Strange, R 2022, 'The use of multinomial choice analysis in international business research', International Business Review, vol. 31, no. 4, 102011.

Chidlow, A, Wang, J, Liu, X & Wei, Y 2021, 'A co-evolution perspective of EMNE internationalization and institutions: an Integrative Framework of 5Cs', International Business Review, vol. 30, no. 4, 101843.

Pegoraro, D, De Propris, L & Chidlow, A 2021, 'Regional factors enabling manufacturing reshoring strategies: a case study perspective', Journal of International Business Policy.

Miller, SR, Welch, C, Chidlow, A, Nielsen, BB, Pegoraro, D & Karafyllia, M 2021, 'The adoption challenge: an analysis of research methods in JIBS', AIB Insights, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 1-8.


Ronny , M, Shoham, A, Sarala, R, Tarba, S & Chidlow, A 2024, 'Reducing Poverty via Cultural Linguistics: The Microfinance Case', Academy of Management Proceedings, vol. 2024, no. 1, 10301.

Conference contribution

Chidlow, A, Pegoraro, D & De Propris, L 2023, The Choice of Manufacturing Home-Shoring for Bolstering MNE’s Global Strategy: A Comparison of Pulling Factors in Three Sub-national Regions. in K Asakawa & T Kiyak (eds), Proceedings of the 65th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business "International Business Resilience under Global Disruptions". Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Academy of International Business, pp. 319-319, AIB 2023 Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, 5/07/23. <>

Pegoraro, D, De Propris, L & Chidlow, A 2022, Manufacturing Reshoring as a Strategic Choice in the International Chessboard: Evidence from Veneto, West-Midlands and California. in Proceedings of the European International Business Academy 48th Annual Conference. BI Norwegian Business School, pp. 38-38, 48th EIBA Annual Conference 2022, Oslo, Norway, 8/12/22. <>

Miller, S, Arguzzoli, R, Lenger, J & Chidlow, A 2022, Re-thinking Paradigm and Methodology in Qualitative IB Research. in M Richards (ed.), Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business – Southeast US Chapter “Responsiveness in Business Environments: New Ways to Thrive”., 101, Academy of International Business, pp. 56-56, AIB US-Southeast 2022 Chapter Conference, Tallahassee, Florida, United States, 27/10/22. <>

Other contribution

Chidlow, A 2023, AIB RM-SIG Panel. Consortium for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis (CARMA) Research Methods & Better Science Series..

Chidlow, A 2023, Let’s Lead Boldly: Elevating the Value of Business Schools. AACSB. <>

Chidlow, A 2021, In conversation with Anne Tsui. The Research Methodology Shared Interest Group of the Academy of International Business (RM-SIG AIB). <>


Chidlow, A, Aguzzoli, R, Lenger, J & Miller, S 2022, 'Problematising Paradigms & Qualitative Research in International Business: State of the Field, Thoughts and Ways Forward', Paper presented at AIB 2022 Miami, Miami, United States, 6/07/22 - 9/07/22.

Chidlow, A, Nielsen, B, Miller, S & Aguzzoli, R 2022, 'The Evolution of Methodology in International Business Research', Paper presented at AIB 2022 Miami, Miami, United States, 6/07/22 - 9/07/22.

Aguzzoli, R, Lenger, J, Miller, SR, Aroles, J, Chidlow, A & Bhankaraully, S 2021, 'Problematising Paradigms & Qualitative Research in International Business: State of the Field, Thoughts and Ways Forward', Paper presented at 47th EIBA Annual Conference 2021, Madrid, Spain, 10/12/21 - 12/12/21.

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