Each year we receive large number of applications for each place available on the course and it takes a long time to study these applications carefully. You should not be concerned if you do not hear a final decision until Jaunuary after you have submitted your UCAS form.
Applicants should enter details of all their qualifications on the relevant section of the UCAS form and upload their personal statement. Incomplete applications (including a missing reference) will not be considered. A decision will be based solely on the UCAS application and information provided separately or after the deadline will not be considered.
The deadline for UCAS applications to study Bachelor of Dental Surgery is 15th October.
Please note the following codes below as you will need them when you apply:
University of Birmingham code: B32
UCAS course code: A200
Please note only four choices can be used to apply to dental schools. The fifth choice can be a related or non-related course- common options are Biomedical Materials Science or Dental Hygiene and Therapy. You cannot apply to medicine as your fifth choice. Choosing an unrelated course will not disadvantage your application in any way.
All applicants applying for the five-year BDS course must sit the UCAT test in their year of application. Candidates living in a country where the test is not offered will normally be expected to travel to take the test. Please visit the UCAT website for information about the test, including important dates and information about bursaries available. You can also access practice tests.