Understanding the high expectation classroom: Structures and processes to increase student achievement

Room 524, School of Education (Building R19)
Tuesday 19 September 2017 (17:00-18:30)

Lynn Goode: l.m.goode@bham.ac.uk

Professor Christine Rubie-Davies, Auckland University, will share learning from the Teacher Expectation Project, a three year project designed to train teachers in the practices of high expectation teachers. Interventions focused on grouping and learning experiences, class climate and goal setting. After just one year, students of teachers in the intervention group improved their mathematics achievement 28% above that of students with control group teachers. Analyses also showed that all students benefited through being with intervention teachers in comparison to controls.  To find out more about this project, visit: Teacher Expectation Project website.

This event is free but we ask you to register online if you wish to attend.