Dr David Beddows MPhys, CPhys, MInstP, PhD

Dr David Beddows

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
NCAS Researcher

Contact details

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

David is staff member of the National Center of Atmospheric Sciences (NCAS) working at Birmingham University. His interests are in the research and development of scientific instrumentation, novel multivariate data analysis algorithms and atmospheric modelling tools used for the interpretation of data collected from atmospheric aerosols.


  • MPhys
  • CPhys
  • MInstP
  • PhD


Recent publications


Lu, L, Li, L, Rathod, S, Hess, P, Martínez, C, Fernandez, N, Goodale, C, Thies, J, Wong, MY, Alaimo, MG, Artaxo, P, Barraza, F, Barreto, A, Beddows, D, Chellam, S, Chen, Y, Chuang, P, Cohen, DD, Dongarrà, G, Gaston, C, Gómez, D, Morera‐Gómez, Y, Hakola, H, Hand, J, Harrison, R, Hopke, P, Hueglin, C, Kuang, YW, Kyllönen, K, Lambert, F, Maenhaut, W, Martin, R, Paytan, A, Prospero, J, González, Y, Rodriguez, S, Smichowski, P, Varrica, D, Walsh, B, Weagle, C, Xiao, YH & Mahowald, N 2024, 'Characterizing the Atmospheric Mn Cycle and Its Impact on Terrestrial Biogeochemistry', Global Biogeochemical Cycles, vol. 38, no. 4, e2023GB007967. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023gb007967

Garcia-Marlès, M, Lara, R, Reche, C, Pérez, N, Tobías, A, Savadkoohi, M, Beddows, D, Salma, I, Vörösmarty, M, Weidinger, T, Hueglin, C, Mihalopoulos, N, Grivas, G, Kalkavouras, P, Ondráček, J, Zíková, N, Niemi, JV, Manninen, HE, Green, DC, Tremper, AH, Norman, M, Vratolis, S, Eleftheriadis, K, Gómez-Moreno, FJ, Alonso-Blanco, E, Wiedensohler, A, Weinhold, K, Merkel, M, Bastian, S, Hoffmann, B, Altug, H, Petit, JE, Favez, O, Dos Santos, SM, Putaud, JP, Dinoi, A, Contini, D, Timonen, H, Lampilahti, J, Petäjä, T, Pandolfi, M, Hopke, PK, Harrison, RM, Alastuey, A & Querol, X 2024, 'Inter-annual trends of ultrafine particles in urban Europe', Environment international, vol. 185, 108510. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2024.108510

Liu, X, Hadiatullah, H, Zhang, X, Trechera, P, Savadkoohi, M, Garcia-Marlès, M, Reche, C, Pérez, N, Beddows, DCS, Salma, I, Thén, W, Kalkavouras, P, Mihalopoulos, N, Hueglin, C, Green, DC, Tremper, AH, Chazeau, B, Gille, G, Marchand, N, Niemi, JV, Manninen, HE, Portin, H, Zikova, N, Ondracek, J, Norman, M, Gerwig, H, Bastian, S, Merkel, M, Weinhold, K, Casans, A, Casquero-Vera, JA, Gómez-Moreno, FJ, Artíñano, B, Gini, M, Diapouli, E, Crumeyrolle, S, Riffault, V, Petit, JE, Favez, O, Putaud, JP, Santos, SMD, Timonen, H, Aalto, PP, Hussein, T, Lampilahti, J, Hopke, PK, Wiedensohler, A, Harrison, RM, Petäjä, T, Pandolfi, M, Alastuey, A & Querol, X 2023, 'Ambient air particulate total lung deposited surface area (LDSA) levels in urban Europe', Science of the Total Environment, vol. 898, 165466. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165466

Brean, J, Beddows, DCS, Harrison, RM, Song, C, Tunved, P, Ström, J, Krejci, R, Freud, E, Massling, A, Skov, H, Asmi, E, Lupi, A & Dall'osto, M 2023, 'Collective geographical ecoregions and precursor sources driving Arctic new particle formation', Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 2183-2198. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-23-2183-2023

Baldo, C, Formenti, P, Di Biagio, C, Lu, G, Song, C, Cazaunau, M, Pangui, E, Doussin, JF, Dagsson-Waldhauserova, P, Arnalds, O, Beddows, D, Mackenzie, AR & Shi, Z 2023, 'Complex refractive index and single scattering albedo of Icelandic dust in the shortwave part of the spectrum', Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 23, no. 14, pp. 7975-8000. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-23-7975-2023

Ghaffarpasand, O, Ropkins, K, Beddows, DCS & Pope, FD 2023, 'Detecting high emitting vehicle subsets using emission remote sensing systems', Science of the Total Environment, vol. 858, no. Pt 2, 159814. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159814

Brean, J, Rowell, A, Beddows, D, Shi, Z & Harrison, R 2023, 'Estimates of Future New Particle Formation under Different Emission Scenarios in Beijing', Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 57, no. 12, pp. 4741-4750. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.2c08348

Nelson, BS, Bryant, DJ, Alam, MS, Sommariva, R, Bloss, WJ, Newland, MJ, Drysdale, WS, Vaughan, AR, Acton, WJF, Hewitt, CN, Crilley, LR, Swift, SJ, Edwards, PM, Lewis, AC, Langford, B, Nemitz, E, Shivani, Gadi, R, Gurjar, BR, Heard, DE, Whalley, LK, Şahin, UA, Beddows, DCS, Hopkins, JR, Lee, JD, Rickard, AR & Hamilton, JF 2023, 'Extreme Concentrations of Nitric Oxide Control Daytime Oxidation and Quench Nocturnal Oxidation Chemistry in Delhi during Highly Polluted Episodes', Environmental Science and Technology Letters, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 520-527. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.estlett.3c00171

Damayanti, S, Harrison, R, Pope, F & Beddows, D 2023, 'Limited impact of diesel particle filters on road traffic emissions of ultrafine particles', Environment International, vol. 174, 107888. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2023.107888

Beddows, DCS, Harrison, RM, Gonet, T, Maher, BA & Odling, N 2023, 'Measurement of road traffic brake and tyre dust emissions using both particle composition and size distribution data', Environmental Pollution, vol. 331, no. 1, 121830. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2023.121830

Bousiotis, D, Alconcel, LS, Beddows, D, Harrison, R & Pope, F 2023, 'Monitoring and Apportioning Sources of Indoor Air Quality Using Low-Cost Particulate Matter Sensors', Environment International, vol. 174, 107907. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2023.107907

Trechera, P, Garcia-Marlès, M, Liu, X, Reche, C, Pérez, N, Savadkoohi, M, Beddows, D, Salma, I, Vörösmarty, M, Casans, A, Casquero-Vera, JA, Hueglin, C, Marchand, N, Chazeau, B, Gille, G, Kalkavouras, P, Mihalopoulos, N, Ondracek, J, Zikova, N, Niemi, JV, Manninen, HE, Green, DC, Tremper, AH, Norman, M, Vratolis, S, Eleftheriadis, K, Gómez-Moreno, FJ, Alonso-Blanco, E, Gerwig, H, Wiedensohler, A, Weinhold, K, Merkel, M, Bastian, S, Petit, JE, Favez, O, Crumeyrolle, S, Ferlay, N, Martins Dos Santos, S, Putaud, JP, Timonen, H, Lampilahti, J, Asbach, C, Wolf, C, Kaminski, H, Altug, H, Hoffmann, B, Rich, DQ, Pandolfi, M, Harrison, RM, Hopke, PK, Petäjä, T, Alastuey, A & Querol, X 2023, 'Phenomenology of ultrafine particle concentrations and size distribution across urban Europe', Environment International, vol. 172, 107744. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2023.107744

Savadkoohi, M, Pandolfi, M, Reche, C, Niemi, JV, Mooibroek, D, Titos, G, Green, DC, Tremper, AH, Hueglin, C, Liakakou, E, Mihalopoulos, N, Stavroulas, I, Artiñano, B, Coz, E, Alados-Arboledas, L, Beddows, D, Riffault, V, De Brito, JF, Bastian, S, Baudic, A, Colombi, C, Costabile, F, Chazeau, B, Marchand, N, Gómez-Amo, JL, Estellés, V, Matos, V, van der Gaag, E, Gille, G, Luoma, K, Manninen, HE, Norman, M, Silvergren, S, Petit, JE, Putaud, JP, Rattigan, OV, Timonen, H, Tuch, T, Merkel, M, Weinhold, K, Vratolis, S, Vasilescu, J, Favez, O, Harrison, RM, Laj, P, Wiedensohler, A, Hopke, PK, Petäjä, T, Alastuey, A & Querol, X 2023, 'The variability of mass concentrations and source apportionment analysis of equivalent black carbon across urban Europe', Environment international, vol. 178, 108081. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2023.108081

Bousiotis, D, Allison, G, Beddows, DCS, Harrison, RM & Pope, FD 2023, 'Towards comprehensive air quality management using low-cost sensors for pollution source apportionment', npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, vol. 6, no. 1, 122. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41612-023-00424-0

Conference contribution

Bousiotis, D, Alconcel, L-N, Harrison, RM, Beddows, DCS & Pope, F 2023, Monitoring and apportioning sources of outdoor and indoor air quality using low-cost particulate matter sensors. in EGU General Assembly 2023., EGU23-1011, European Geosciences Union, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24/04/23. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1011

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