
Academic Staff

Dr Rebecca Bartlett

Dr Rebecca Bartlett

Associate Professor in Biogeochemistry

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Rebecca is a biogeochemist, specialising in nutrient cycling and environmental change in modern and past environments. Her research focuses on the biogeochemistry of peats, soils and sediments during environmental disturbance; the subsurface microbial response to natural and anthropogenic changes in atmospheric sulphur deposition, temperature, storms and floods, mineral reactivity and chemical ...

+44 (0)121 4144181

Dr James Bendle

Dr James Bendle

Reader (Associate Professor) in Organic Geochemistry

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

James is an organic geochemist specialising in paleoclimatology. His research develops and uses molecular tools to reconstruct past environmental conditions and addresses two key themes: (1) Developing new quantitative paleoclimate proxies; (2) Holocene and Cenozoic climate evolution.

For more information visit my personal website:

Orcid ID: ...

+44 (0)121 414 6156

Dr Tom Dunkley Jones

Dr Tom Dunkley Jones

Birmingham Fellow

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Tom is a micropalaeontologist and paleoceanograher specializing in the study of fossil coccolithophore algae. His research interests are focused on the warm-climate states of the Paleogene period and include the use of coccolithophore assemblages and geochemical signatures as palaeoceanographic proxies. Tom is also interested in improving reconstructions of warm climate temperature ...

+44 (0)121 414 6751

Professor Kirsty Edgar

Professor Kirsty Edgar

Professor in Micropalaeontology
Head of Research in the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Kirsty is a micropalaeontologist and palaeoceanographer, specialising in planktic foraminifer and foraminifer-based geochemical records. She is interested in understanding the timing and nature of the interaction between global climate, geochemical cycling, and biota during the Cenozoic. A major research focus is elucidating the dynamics and consequences of transient climate events in the ...

+44 (0)121 414 6163

Professor Ian Fairchild

Professor Ian Fairchild

Emeritus Professor

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Ian Fairchild is a geoscientist with broad interests in the geochemistry of the Earth’s surface, climate change and Quaternary and Neoproterozoic earth history. He employs this breadth of knowledge in research and public outreach including geoconservation in the West Midlands. He is equally at home in the field and the laboratory with a wealth of experience in glacial ...

0121 414 6165

Dr Sarah Greene

Dr Sarah Greene

Associate Professor

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Sarah is a palaeoclimatologist, geobiologist, and Earth system modeller studying the biogeochemical cycling of carbon between the atmosphere, the ocean, and marine sediments. Particular research interests include rapid carbon cycle perturbations (Mesozoic mass extinctions, Palaeogene hyperthermals), protracted multi-mullion year carbon cycle trends (co-evolution of life and the carbon cycle), and ...

+44(0)121 414 6167

Professor Jason Hilton

Professor Jason Hilton

Professor of Palaeobotany and Palaeoenvironments
School Health and Safety Coordinator (fieldwork)

Life and Environmental Sciences

Professor Hilton is a research focused palaeobotanist and evolutionary plant biologist with wide-ranging interests in palaeoenvironments and palaeoclimates through Earth history. He has a broad background in Geobiology and Earth Systems Science, and is an active researcher across a number of fields closely allied to his specialisation including investigations on mass extinctions, hyperthermal ...

+44 (0)121 41 46151

Dr Stephen Jones

Dr Stephen Jones

Senior Lecturer in Earth Systems

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Steve Jones is a numerate geologist who studies the influence of the deep earth on climate. His published work spans mantle and crustal processes, oceanography and atmospheric science.

+44 (0)121 41 46155

Dr James Wheeley

Dr James Wheeley

Senior Lecturer in Sedimentary Geology
School Deputy Head of Education

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

James Wheeley is a teaching-focused lecturer in sedimentary geology and sedimentary basin analysis. His research interests lie in carbonate sedimentology and applied micropalaeontology (especially conodont isotopes) which he is using to address deep time (Palaeozoic) palaeoclimatic and palaeoecological problems. 

+44 (0)121 41 46158


Postdoctoral Researchers

Pam Vervoort

Pam Vervoort

Research Fellow

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Dr Pam Vervoort is a paleoclimatologist who uses Earth system models to understand the role of carbon cycle feedbacks in driving Earth's climate and environmental changes throughout Earth's history. She studies past episodes of global warming, such as the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum and other hyperthermal events to understand what caused past global warming in the first place and to ...