Find a research supervisor in human rights and civil liberties

Staff in the Birmingham Law School who supervise PhD/MPhil/MJur by Research in the area of human rights and civil liberties.

Dr Meghan Campbell

Dr Meghan Campbell

Reader in International Human Rights Law

Meghan Campbell is Reader in International Human Rights Law at the University of Birmingham. Her research explores how the international human rights system can best respond to gender inequality and poverty. Her monograph Women, Poverty, Equality(Hart Publishing, 2018) explores how the concept of equality in the UN Convention on the Discrimination on the Elimination of All Forms of ...

Dr Peter Coe

Dr Peter Coe

Associate Professor
Associate Dean of Birmingham Law School

Dr Peter Coe’s primary research interests are: (i) the changing nature of journalism, and how this impacts on free speech, press freedom and regulation, and the concepts of privacy and reputation; (ii) defamation, including the protection of corporate reputation; and (iii) media power and plurality, the role the media plays within society and its impact on democracy. His work in these areas ...

Professor Fiona de Londras

Professor Fiona de Londras

Director of Research, College of Arts and Law
Barber Professor of Jurisprudence

Fiona de Londas is Director of Research for the College of Arts and Law and Professor of Global Legal Studies at Birmingham Law School. Her research concerns constitutionalism, human rights, and transnationalism. She is particularly interested in the role and function of rights in contentious policy fields, inquiring into how (if at all) rights shape the making of law and policy in complex ...

Dr Damian Gonzalez-Salzberg

Dr Damian Gonzalez-Salzberg

Associate Professor
Head of Planning and Strategy

Damian is an Associate Professor in Law, specialising in International Law and Human Rights. His primary interest is in the use of different theoretical and methodological tools to explore the protection of human rights under international law. His research on the European Court of Human Rights and on the Inter-American Court of Human Rights has appeared in leading peer-reviewed journals, such ...

Dr Alan Greene

Dr Alan Greene

Reader in Constitutional Law and Human Rights
Deputy Head of Research

Alan Greene is a Reader in Constitutional Law and Human Rights, specialising in constitutional law and human rights. His research focuses on the limits of constitutionalism, judicial review and the role of courts in vindicating the rule of law. He explores these themes in the context of emergency powers, counter-terrorism, constituent power, and the judicial protection of human rights more ...

Professor Rosie Harding

Professor Rosie Harding

Professor of Law and Society
Associate Dean

  • Mental Capacity and Disability Law, especially research involving questions of everyday decision-making, dementia, intellectual disability, powers of attorney, advance directives and end of life decision making.
  • Gender, Sexuality and Law, particularly issues to do with care, family law, discrimination, equality and human rights.

Dr Argyro Karanasiou

Dr Argyro Karanasiou

Assistant Professor in Law and Innovation

Dr Argyro Karanasiou joined the School of Law at the University of Birmingham in 2022 as a Lecturer in Law & Innovation (College of Arts & Law), and further awarded Associate status at the School of Computer Sciences (College of Engineering & Physical Sciences). She is the Director for the MSc in Responsible Data Science, a programme developed in collaboration with Accenture ...

Professor Atina Krajewska

Professor Atina Krajewska

Professor of Law and Birmingham Fellow
Head of Research

Professor Atina Krajewska’s work focuses on the developments of human rights law in the area of health and medicine. She has published in the area of genomics, reproductive rights, and global health law and governance. Her book on Genetic Information and the Scope of Personal Autonomy in European Law, published in Poland in 2008, has had considerable impact on legislative decisions of ...

Dr Alex Latham-Gambi

Dr Alex Latham-Gambi

Assistant Professor

The main focus of Alex’s research is in constitutional theory, but he is also interested in legal and political philosophy more generally, as well as UK public law and housing law.

Professor Natasa Mavronicola

Professor Natasa Mavronicola

Professor of Human Rights Law

Professor Mavronicola joined Birmingham Law School as a Senior Lecturer in September 2016, and has been Professor of Human Rights Law since 2022. She was previously a Lecturer in Law at Queen’s University Belfast (2013-2016). Professor Mavronicola is chiefly interested in the theory and interpretation of human rights. Her research has focused on pursuing dynamic coherence in the ...

Dr Walters Nsoh

Dr Walters Nsoh

Associate Professor in Law
Programme Director, Online LLM in Energy and Environmental Law

Dr Walters Nsoh is an Associate Professor in Law at the University of Birmingham. His research relates primarily to the intersection between property (land) law and environmental law, the legal and policy challenges to nature conservation and the sustainable management of natural resources. His book The Privatisation of Biodiversity? - New Approaches to Conservation Law(Edward Elgar Publishing ...

Dr Tara Lai Quinlan

Associate Professor in Law and Criminal Justice

Dr Tara Lai Quinlan’s research and teaching focus on criminal law, policing, disproportionality and diversity in the criminal justice system, and counterterrorism.  

Professor Mohammad (Shahab) Shahabuddin

Professor Mohammad (Shahab) Shahabuddin

Professor of International Law & Human Rights

Professor Mohammad Shahabuddin teaches and researches in international law and human rights with special focus on the history and theory of international law, ethnicity and nationalism, and human rights. His teaching and research is informed by critical, postcolonial, and TWAIL (Third World Approaches to International Law) scholarship. He is the author of Ethnicity and International Law: ...

Professor Chris Thornhill

Professor of Law

Chris Thornhill is an interdisciplinary researcher with research interests in the sociology of law, comparative constitutional law and legal theory. He has published a number of books on the sociology of constitutions, as well as many works on law and philosophy and law and social theory. He has received funding from the European Research Council (Advanced Grant); the AHRC; the Swedish Research ...

Dr Felix E Torres

Dr Felix E Torres

Assistant Professor

Dr Felix E Torres joined Birmingham Law School as a Teaching Fellow in 2021, having completed his PhD studies at the University of Nottingham the same year. His research interests revolve around international and human rights law, especially in matters of economic and social rights, state responsibility and reparations in post-conflict societies. Felix’s work has been published in leading ...

Dr Ben Warwick

Dr Ben Warwick

Reader in Human Rights Law
Head of Planning and Strategy

Dr Ben Warwick’s research explores how economic factors affect human rights (and especially socio-economic rights). He is interested in the ways that laws and the institutions that enforce them change under such pressures. He is a specialist in international human rights, the United Nations human rights bodies, and human rights in various crisis contexts.

Ben is a lead quality assessor on ...

Birmingham Law School staff research supervision areas