Dr Alex Latham-Gambi

Dr Alex Latham-Gambi

Birmingham Law School
Assistant Professor

Contact details

Birmingham Law School
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

The main focus of Alex’s research is in constitutional theory, but he is also interested in legal and political philosophy more generally, as well as UK public law and housing law.


  • PhD Law (Edinburgh)
  • LLM Public Law and Human Rights Law (UCL)
  • BA Jurisprudence (Oxford)


Alex joined Birmingham Law School in 2022. He holds a PhD from the University of Edinburgh (2015), an LLM from University College London (2010) and a BA from the University of Oxford (2004). He has previously worked as a lecturer at Swansea University (2018-22) and the University of Sussex (2015-17). He was called to the Bar in 2006, and has been a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy since 2016.


  • Legal Skills and Methods (LLB)
  • Public Law (LLB)
  • Legal Theory (LLB)

Postgraduate supervision

Alex is happy to supervise PhD students in any of his areas of research expertise, including:
• Constitutional theory
• Legal/political philosophy
• Public law
• Human rights law
• Housing law

Potential students are invited to get in touch via e-mail to discuss their preliminary research proposals.

Current PhD student:

Yossra Hamouda, Denshway, Reparations and Decolonizing International Law

Past PhD students:

Sylvester Ogba, HLA Hart and Nigerian Jurisprudence (at Swansea University)
Antonia Murillo, Checks and Balances in the Planning System in England and Wales (at the University of Sussex)

Find out more - our PhD Law  page has information about doctoral research at the University of Birmingham.


Alex’s main area of expertise in constitutional theory. His current research is focused on the shared understandings that underlie legal and political practices, and in the role that political institutions play in propagating those understandings through symbolic representation. He is also interested more broadly in legal and political philosophy, as well as substantive UK public law, human rights law and housing law. He has published in the Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, the Review of Politics and Public Law, and is an occasional contributor to the UK Constitutional Law blog.


Recent publications


Latham-Gambi, A 2024, 'Out of practice: justice as telos of politics', Review of Metaphysics, vol. 78, no. 310, pp. 24. https://doi.org/10.1353/rvm.2024.a947051

Latham-Gambi, A 2024, 'Sovereignty, The Rule of Law and The Nature of Legislation: Reconceptualising the traditional ultra vires theory', Public Law, no. Jan 2024, pp. 109-130. <https://uk.westlaw.com/Document/IF88404A0949A11EE8EF0BAF22C8602FA/View/FullText.html>

Latham-Gambi, A 2021, 'The constitutional imaginary: shared meanings in constitutional practice and implications for constitutional theory', Vienna Journal on International Constitutional Law, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 21-51. https://doi.org/10.1515/icl-2021-0001

Latham-Gambi, A 2020, 'Jeremy Waldron and the circumstances of politics', Review of Politics, vol. 83, no. 2, pp. 242-263. https://doi.org/10.1017/S003467052000090X

Latham-Gambi, A 2020, 'Political constitutionalism and legal constitutionalism—An imaginary opposition?', Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 737-763. https://doi.org/10.1093/ojls/gqaa046

Latham-Gambi, A 2018, 'Dworkin's Incomplete Interpretation of Democracy', Washington University Jurisprudence Review, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 155-181. <https://journals.library.wustl.edu/jurisprudence/article/id/2144/>

Latham-Gambi, A 2011, 'From Whose Point of View? On the Undemocratic Nature of Moral Tests for Law', Cambridge Student Law Review, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 100-110. <https://heinonline.org/HOL/Page?handle=hein.journals/camslr7&div=11&g_sent=1&casa_token=&collection=journals>

Latham-Gambi, A 2011, 'Talking without Speaking, Hearing without Listening? Evictions, the UK Top Court and the European Court of Human Rights', Public Law, vol. [2011], no. 4, pp. 730-753.


Latham-Gambi, A 2021, ‘Judicial Power’ and Political Power: Reflections in Light of the Quartet. in TT Arvind, R Kirkham, D Mac Sithigh & L Stirton (eds), Executive Decision-Making and the Courts: Revisiting the Origins of Modern Judicial Review. 1st edn, Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 373-392. https://doi.org/10.5040/9781509930364.ch-017

Latham-Gambi, A 2019, Commentary on Scottish Special Housing Association v Lumsden. in Scottish Feminist Judgments: (re)creating law from the outside in. Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 213-217.

Review article

Latham-Gambi, A 2016, 'Life, the Universe and Everything: Book review, Ronald Dworkin, Religion Without God', Global Discourse, vol. 6, no. 1-2, pp. 262. https://doi.org/10.1080/23269995.2014.976432

Latham-Gambi, A 2016, 'Murray Hunt, Hayley J Hooper and Paul Yowell, Parliaments and human rights: redressing the democratic deficit', Public Law, vol. [2016], no. 2, pp. 370-374.

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UK Constitution