Recent publications
Donnelly, M, Harding, R & Tascioglu , E (eds) 2022, Supporting Legal Capacity in Socio-Legal Context. Oñati International Series in Law and Society, 1st edn, Hart Publishing, Oxford. <>
Harding, R & Keeling, A 2024, 'Raising relational legal consciousness through co-production research? Making law more accessible', Journal of Law and Society, vol. 51, no. S1, pp. S102-S117.
Aiyegbusi, OL, Cruz Rivera, S, Kamudoni, P, Anderson, N, Collis, P, Denniston, AK, Harding, R, Hughes, SE, Khunti, KK, Kotecha, D, Krumholz, H, Liu, X, McMullan, C, Molony-Oates, B, Monteiro, J, Myles, P, Rantell, KR, Soltys, K, Verdi, R, Wilson, R & Calvert, MJ 2024, 'Recommendations to promote equity, diversity and inclusion in decentralized clinical trials', Nature Medicine.
Hall, M, Cockburn, T, Crawford, BJ, Harding, R & Purser, K 2024, 'Risks, benefits, opportunities, and electronic formalities in the law of wills: a comparative approach', McGill Law Journal.
McMullan, C, Retzer, A, Hughes, S, Aiyegbusi, OL, Bathurst, C, Boyd, A, Coleman, J, Davies, EH, Denniston, A, Dunster, H, Frost, C, Harding, R, Hunn, A, Kyte, D, Malpass, R, McNamara, G, Mitchell, SA, Mittal, S, Newsome, P, Price, G, Rowe, A, van Reil, W, Walker, A, Wilson, R & Calvert, M 2023, 'Development and usability testing of an electronic patient-reported outcome (ePRO) solution for patients with inflammatory diseases in an Advanced Therapy Medicinal Product (ATMP) basket trial', Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes, vol. 7, no. 1, 98.
Harding, R 2023, 'Making Legal Information Accessible and Supporting Vulnerable Clients', Journal of Elder Law and Capacity, vol. 2023, no. Spring, pp. 15-34. <>
Harding, R 2022, 'Doing research with intellectually disabled participants: reflections on the challenges of capacity and consent in socio-legal research', Journal of Law and Society, vol. 48, no. S1, pp. S28-S43.
Hughes, S, McMullan, C, Rowe, A, Retzer, A, Malpass, R, Bathurst, C, Davies, EH, Frost, C, McNamara, G, Harding, R, Price, G, Wilson, R, Walker, A, Newsome, P & Calvert, M 2022, 'Feasibility of a new electronic patient-reported outcome (ePRO) system for an advanced therapy clinical trial in immune-mediated inflammatory disease (PROmics): protocol for a qualitative feasibility study', BMJ open, vol. 12, no. 9, e063199.
Lindsey, J & Harding, R 2021, 'Capabilities, capacity and consent: sexual intimacy in the court of protection', Journal of Law and Society, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 60-83.
Chapter (peer-reviewed)
Harding, R 2022, Supporting everyday legal capacity: navigating the complexities of putting rights into practice. in M Donnelly, R Harding & E Tascioglu (eds), Supporting Legal Capacity in Socio-Legal Context. 1st edn, Oñati International Series in Law and Society, Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 291-313. <>
Waterman, C, Harding, R & Peel, E 2024, A Socio-Legal Investigation into Making Plans for Dying: Perspectives of People with Dementia. in Death, Dying and Bereavement: New Sociological Perspectives. 1 edn, Taylor and Francis, pp. 88-102.
Cowan, D & Harding, R 2022, Legal consciousness and administrative justice. in M Hertogh, R Kirkham, R Thomas & J Tomlinson (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Administrative Justice. Oxford University Press, pp. 437–456.
Harding, R, Donnelly, M & Tascioglu , E 2022, Situating the right to enjoy legal capacity. in M Donnelly, R Harding & E Tascioglu (eds), Supporting Legal Capacity in Socio-Legal Context. 1st edn, Oñati International Series in Law and Society, Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 1-18. <>
Harding, R 2021, COVID-19 in adult social care: futures, funding and fairness. in D Cowan & A Mumford (eds), Pandemic Legalities: Legal Responses to COVID-19 - Justice and Social Responsibility. Law, Society, Policy, Bristol University Press, pp. 119-130. <>
Harding, R 2021, “He got down on one knee”: intellectual disability, intimacy and family law. in B Clough & J Herring (eds), Disability, Care and Family Law. 1 edn, Routledge, London, pp. 156-181.
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