University Music at the University of Birmingham

University Music is the heart of extra-curricular music making at the University of Birmingham. Open to all students, staff, and the local community, there are over 40 different ensembles you can get involved in, along with competitions, concerts, and an extensive health and wellbeing programme.
Symphony Orchestra to University Chorus, Jazz to Folk, Brass Band to Early Music, we offer a wide range of opportunities to perform with like-minded musicians under the guidance of our professional team. You can even run an ensemble yourself through the University Music student committee.
Make music at Birmingham
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Explore our ensembles - instrumental and choral, auditioned and un-auditioned. Find out how to get involved and learn about our audition process.
Music-making at Birmingham
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University Music is the extra-curricular music programme at the University of Birmingham, and incorporates ensembles, mentoring, and coaching from the Department of Music.
We are open to students, staff, and the local community, and information on how to get involved can be found on these pages.
All of our ensembles require participants to be members of University Music – details of how to join, along with the rules of our offer, can be found by clicking the button below.
If you have any queries about our activities and our performing ensembles, please contact the University Music and Concerts Team.