Recent publications
Sachs, M, Stark, WG, Maurer, RJ & Ortner, C 2025, 'Machine learning configuration-dependent friction tensors in Langevin heatbaths', Machine Learning: Science and Technology, vol. 6, no. 1, 015016.
Witt, WC, Oord, CVD, Gelžinytė, E, Järvinen, T, Ross, A, Darby, JP, Ho, CH, Baldwin, WJ, Sachs, M, Kermode, J, Bernstein, N, Csányi, G & Ortner, C 2023, 'ACEpotentials.jl: A Julia implementation of the atomic cluster expansion', The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 159, no. 16, 164101.
van der Oord, C, Sachs, M, Kovács, DP, Ortner, C & Csányi, G 2023, 'Hyperactive learning for data-driven interatomic potentials', npj Computational Materials, vol. 9, no. 1, 168.
Sachs, M, Sen, D, Lu, J & Dunson, D 2023, 'Posterior computation with the Gibbs zig-zag sampler', Bayesian Analysis, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 909-927.
Leimkuhler, B & Sachs, M 2022, 'Efficient numerical algorithms for the generalized Langevin equation', SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. A364-A388.
Sen, D, Sachs, M, Lu, J & Dunson, DB 2020, 'Efficient posterior sampling for high-dimensional imbalanced logistic regression', Biometrika, vol. 107, no. 4, pp. 1005-1012.
Leimkuhler, B, Sachs, M & Stoltz, G 2020, 'Hypocoercivity Properties of Adaptive Langevin Dynamics', SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, vol. 80, no. 3, pp. 1197-1222.
Lu, J, Sachs, M & Steinerberger, S 2020, 'Quadrature Points via Heat Kernel Repulsion', Constructive Approximation, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 27-48.
Sachs, M, Leimkuhler, B & Danos, V 2017, 'Langevin dynamics with variable coefficients and nonconservative forces: From stationary states to numerical methods', Entropy, vol. 19, no. 12, 647.
Conference contribution
Leimkuhler, B & Sachs, M 2019, Ergodic Properties of Quasi-Markovian Generalized Langevin Equations with Configuration Dependent Noise and Non-conservative Force. in G Giacomin, S Olla, E Saada, H Spohn, G Stoltz & G Stoltz (eds), Stochastic Dynamics Out of Equilibrium - Institut Henri Poincaré, 2017. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, vol. 282, Springer, pp. 282-330, International workshop on Stochastic Dynamics out of Equilibrium, IHPStochDyn 2017, Paris, France, 12/06/17.
Sachs, M, Stark, WG, Maurer, RJ & Ortner, C 2024 'Equivariant Representation of Configuration-Dependent Friction Tensors in Langevin Heatbaths' arXiv.
Witt, WC, Oord, CVD, Gelžinytė, E, Järvinen, T, Ross, A, Darby, JP, Ho, CH, Baldwin, WJ, Sachs, M, Kermode, J, Bernstein, N, Csányi, G & Ortner, C 2023 'ACEpotentials.jl: A Julia Implementation of the Atomic Cluster Expansion' arXiv.
Oord, CVD, Sachs, M, Kovács, DP, Ortner, C & Csányi, G 2022 'Hyperactive Learning (HAL) for Data-Driven Interatomic Potentials'.
Herschlag, G, Mattingly, JC, Sachs, M & Wyse, E 2020 'Non-reversible Markov chain Monte Carlo for sampling of districting maps' arXiv.
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