Mathematics Postgraduate Offer-holder Hub 2022

Welcome to the School of Mathematics Postgraduate Offer-holder Hub. These pages will guide you through some of the information you might require to make an informed decision about where to study for your postgraduate degree. Hopefully, it will be at Birmingham.

One step closer...

We are absolutely thrilled that you have an offer to start your postgraduate studies with us. Our Offer-holder hub is designed to provide you with all the information needed to help you make an informed decision on where you wish to continue your studies.

Over the coming weeks and months, there will be opportunities to hear from students and staff in the School and ask them any questions you might have about the fantastic community here at Birmingham. 

Maths Research into Male Fertility...


Discover our recent research highlights:

University of Birmingham School of Mathematics academics win prize for outstanding paper

University of Birmingham academics in the School of Mathematics have been awarded the 2021 Fulkerson Prize by the American Mathematical Society (AMS) and the Mathematical Optimization Society (MOS). Three Fulkerson prizes, each worth $1500, are awarded every three years for outstanding papers in the area of discrete mathematics.

Proof of the 1-factorization and Hamilton Decomposition Conjectures was published in the Memoirs of the AMS in 2016, and authored by Béla Csaba, Daniela Kühn, Allan Lo, Deryk Osthus and Andrew Treglown. Read full article >>

Fulkerson prize

'Universal law of touch' will enable new advances in Virtual Reality

Seismic waves, commonly associated with earthquakes, have been used by scientists to develop a universal scaling law for the sense of touch. A team, led by researchers at the University of Birmingham, used Rayleigh waves to create the first scaling law for touch sensitivity. The results are published in Science Advances. The researchers are part of a European consortium (H-Reality) that are already using the theory to develop new Virtual Reality technologies that incorporate the sense of touch.

View our previous virtual events from the School of Mathematics

An Introduction to Real World Applications of Mathematical Finance

We recently ran a taster lecture via Zoom entitled 'Masterclass in Finance: Planning for the Future', one of the topics that can be studied in the School of Mathematics. Watch the video >>


Access video content and previous questions and answers

We regularly run virtual events within the Department where we invite enquirers and offer-holders to engage with our video content and ask any questions they may have. All of these events are archived and can be viewed back. Visit our webpages to gain access.

maths pg events

Find out more about what to expect as a postgraduate student

Become part of our postgraduate community

Join us for a postgraduate degree and you'll become part of a supportive network of students and alumni who help to create change. Visit our offer guide pages which will help guide you through the postgraduate admissions process and what to do next in order to accept your offer, as well as how to prepare for your first few weeks as a postgraduate at Birmingham.

Careers support for postgraduate students

Whether you're looking for a career as an academic, moving into a new sector or building your professional experience, we can offer you advice and guidance both during and after your degree. Find out about the support that is available >>


Explore our campus virtually


Also in 'PG Admissions'